Naturalmente esistono ulteriori spazi di razionalizzazione nel passaggio dagli Istituti d’Arte al Liceo delle Arti, aspetti che dovrebbero essi presi in seria considerazione, mettendo mano al processo di riforma. A mo’ di esempio ne citiamo due.
4.1 Una anacronistica distinzione che a nostro parere andrebbe superata è quella tuttora presente nelle attività sezionali, per cui la fase iniziale rappresentata dal Disegno Professionale o dalla Progettazione rimane ben distinta da quella esecutiva, rappresentata dai Laboratori. Questa distinzione dei ruoli aveva un significato varie decine di anni fa, quando gli insegnanti di laboratorio erano spesso ex allievi, magari con il solo titolo di Maestro d’Arte oppure, ancora prima, semplici artigiani, dotati di grande perizia tecnica ma incapaci di un’autonoma elaborazione didattica. In quel contesto l’istituzione della Direzione dei Laboratori aveva lo scopo di ovviare a quelle difficoltà but today it is entirely without foundation: the skills, training and qualifications required of teachers Laboratory are in fact similar to those of colleagues in the Professional and Designer. The persistence of this separation is wrong, because:
- leads to an artificial separation between the idea and its implementation, inter alia, making more difficult the adjustment of feedback,
- involves the training of teaching professional design that in fact, been reduced to twelve hours of actual teaching, as the other six in the Department of Laboratory
- is a source of diseconomies in the curricula for the inevitable time lags that of the unitary vice versa ideation, planning and executive entrusted to a single teacher to avoid.
In other words, to reunify the sectional activities on the one hand would be an improvement on the level of education, would enable significant economies of aligning teaching professional design standards common to the other teachings, would absorb any minor contractions of the total number of hours allocated to providing Sections.
4.2 Another inconsistency to be overcome, again in sectional area, concerns the teaching of Technology Applied Arts in existing Art Institutes. While reaffirming the importance of educational discipline is quite clear that his fragmentary and her unfortunate place in the initial three years, starting from the first year, even before the preliminary disciplines such as physics or chemistry have been discussed, it involves a humiliation and a decline in the formative contribution to the students. It is therefore postponed its relocation, in the concluding part of the course, concentrating it in one year (possibly the 5th year). Again, with small adjustments dictated by common sense, a slight contraction would not undermine the effectiveness of this teaching, while freeing of slots for new curricular disciplines.
4.1 Una anacronistica distinzione che a nostro parere andrebbe superata è quella tuttora presente nelle attività sezionali, per cui la fase iniziale rappresentata dal Disegno Professionale o dalla Progettazione rimane ben distinta da quella esecutiva, rappresentata dai Laboratori. Questa distinzione dei ruoli aveva un significato varie decine di anni fa, quando gli insegnanti di laboratorio erano spesso ex allievi, magari con il solo titolo di Maestro d’Arte oppure, ancora prima, semplici artigiani, dotati di grande perizia tecnica ma incapaci di un’autonoma elaborazione didattica. In quel contesto l’istituzione della Direzione dei Laboratori aveva lo scopo di ovviare a quelle difficoltà but today it is entirely without foundation: the skills, training and qualifications required of teachers Laboratory are in fact similar to those of colleagues in the Professional and Designer. The persistence of this separation is wrong, because:
- leads to an artificial separation between the idea and its implementation, inter alia, making more difficult the adjustment of feedback,
- involves the training of teaching professional design that in fact, been reduced to twelve hours of actual teaching, as the other six in the Department of Laboratory
- is a source of diseconomies in the curricula for the inevitable time lags that of the unitary vice versa ideation, planning and executive entrusted to a single teacher to avoid.
In other words, to reunify the sectional activities on the one hand would be an improvement on the level of education, would enable significant economies of aligning teaching professional design standards common to the other teachings, would absorb any minor contractions of the total number of hours allocated to providing Sections.
4.2 Another inconsistency to be overcome, again in sectional area, concerns the teaching of Technology Applied Arts in existing Art Institutes. While reaffirming the importance of educational discipline is quite clear that his fragmentary and her unfortunate place in the initial three years, starting from the first year, even before the preliminary disciplines such as physics or chemistry have been discussed, it involves a humiliation and a decline in the formative contribution to the students. It is therefore postponed its relocation, in the concluding part of the course, concentrating it in one year (possibly the 5th year). Again, with small adjustments dictated by common sense, a slight contraction would not undermine the effectiveness of this teaching, while freeing of slots for new curricular disciplines.
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