Sunday, March 1, 2009

How To Make Cookies With Jiffy


The experimental project "Jug" drew a cultural model that has its own training field into a new institution called "Art School", whose curriculum, homogeneous to the general "Jug" is meant to ensure an adequate level of common culture and, together with a characterization of address.
It is based on a common basis in all fields of production, preservation of artifacts and artifacts of communication, expression and use, consists of design-production of design and production of images that mark respectively the addresses suddiviso.Sulla which is behind this project, the Secondary School of Art, to five years, are structured in two years and shared in a three-year period in three addresses.
- arts and visual communication
- Arts compositive e progettazione
- Beni culturali e conservazione
L’orario settimanale è rispettivamente di 34 ore nel biennio e 38 ore nel triennio conclusivo. In tutti e tre gli indirizzi più sopra indicati il Progetto Brocca prevede espressamente l’attivazione - da 60 a 120 ore/anno – del "laboratorio polifunzionale", inteso come "spazio ideale" in cui si sperimentano tecniche, procedimenti, esperienze di progetto, utilizzando i laboratori fisicamente costituiti e presenti nella scuola, nonché quelli individuati e individuabili sul territorio presso scuole, enti, istituzioni pubbliche e private.


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