8.1 The definition of high schools
The first issue to be highlighted in the analysis of the draft Presidential Decree which reads: draft regulation on the "revision of the regulated directions, organization and teaching high school in accordance with Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 13 28 , regards the sixth paragraph of Article 2, which defines the system of high schools, high schools, which should include art, classical languages, music and dance, science and the humanities. The maintenance of the separation of art school by high school choral music and a replica of an old controversy in which the Ministry in recent years has not been able to give a convincing answer. In the document already mentioned earlier in section 6.2 emphasized the desirability of creating an area art per se, without artificial separations:
The opportunity to place within the musical direction of arts education is a good case in three substantive aspects of the problem lie in different fields:
- An account of a historical nature, he sees, in particular for the period that elapses from the beginning of 900 today, moments of close relationship between the "artists of visual arts" and the musicians.
- The increasingly constant product of "culture" and opportunities for the same production in which "the word" the "sound" and "image" are the ingredients of a communication and complex, sometimes of high artistic value. Applies for that purpose to remember how the film, television and Multimedia are proposed as occasions of encounter between different languages \u200b\u200bthat work in close collaboration, resulting in cultural operations that are placed as absolute ground-breaking innovations like what happened from the beginning of XVII secolo.
- La necessità di offrire, nello spirito della riforma, percorsi formativi che, oltre a detenere valori di eccellenza, si propongano come opportunità di alta flessibilità. A tale proposito la forte afferenza delle discipline musicali a quelle dello spettacolo, al cinema, alla televisione, alla produzione multimediale, alla promozione, valorizzazione e tutela dei beni culturali, impone la necessità che gli studi musicali possano orientarsi verso molteplici sbocchi, non individuati necessariamente in quelli tradizionalmente e limitatamente riservati all'attuale assetto delle Scuole di musica e dei Conservatori.
Ancora una volta queste ragionevoli considerazioni non hanno trovato un’attenzione appropriate in the reform.
8.2 The addresses of the new art school
The seventh paragraph of Article. 2 of the draft Presidential Decree defines the addresses provided in the new art school, recovering from the Legislative Decree No 226, 2005:
The first issue to be highlighted in the analysis of the draft Presidential Decree which reads: draft regulation on the "revision of the regulated directions, organization and teaching high school in accordance with Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 13 28 , regards the sixth paragraph of Article 2, which defines the system of high schools, high schools, which should include art, classical languages, music and dance, science and the humanities. The maintenance of the separation of art school by high school choral music and a replica of an old controversy in which the Ministry in recent years has not been able to give a convincing answer. In the document already mentioned earlier in section 6.2 emphasized the desirability of creating an area art per se, without artificial separations:
The opportunity to place within the musical direction of arts education is a good case in three substantive aspects of the problem lie in different fields:
- An account of a historical nature, he sees, in particular for the period that elapses from the beginning of 900 today, moments of close relationship between the "artists of visual arts" and the musicians.
- The increasingly constant product of "culture" and opportunities for the same production in which "the word" the "sound" and "image" are the ingredients of a communication and complex, sometimes of high artistic value. Applies for that purpose to remember how the film, television and Multimedia are proposed as occasions of encounter between different languages \u200b\u200bthat work in close collaboration, resulting in cultural operations that are placed as absolute ground-breaking innovations like what happened from the beginning of XVII secolo.
- La necessità di offrire, nello spirito della riforma, percorsi formativi che, oltre a detenere valori di eccellenza, si propongano come opportunità di alta flessibilità. A tale proposito la forte afferenza delle discipline musicali a quelle dello spettacolo, al cinema, alla televisione, alla produzione multimediale, alla promozione, valorizzazione e tutela dei beni culturali, impone la necessità che gli studi musicali possano orientarsi verso molteplici sbocchi, non individuati necessariamente in quelli tradizionalmente e limitatamente riservati all'attuale assetto delle Scuole di musica e dei Conservatori.
Ancora una volta queste ragionevoli considerazioni non hanno trovato un’attenzione appropriate in the reform.
8.2 The addresses of the new art school
The seventh paragraph of Article. 2 of the draft Presidential Decree defines the addresses provided in the new art school, recovering from the Legislative Decree No 226, 2005:
The location of the school of art consists, in the second period, the following addresses:
a) visual arts;
b) architecture, design, environment,
c) audiovisual , multimedia, scenography
once again missing, even in cases of this new art school, an address essential reference to the Cultural Heritage and conservation, which we believe address of fundamental importance for our country. In this regard, it was not invented from scratch an address: it was simply scroll through the projects assisted testing to see how everyone, without distinction, to introduce them to a path refers to this area. Do not be part of a reform project of this type an address confirmation impressive is the superficiality with which the experiments were treated assisted Artistic Education, and the foolishness of those who should be given significance and prospects of a manual educated, also based on techniques and ancient knowledge, the starting point for a journey training for operators of the protection, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, a way that certainly can not be exhausted in upper secondary education but this has its sap and basic skills.
is to be noted that, at least at one point, the serious limitations and shortcomings of the Legislative Decree 2005/226 of arts education in the definition of addresses were correct, albeit in a partial, if not unsatisfactory. The draft DPR
Article 6, first paragraph, the second address architecture, design, environment is now at least divided into two sections:
- Architecture and Environment Section
- Section Design
Questa divisione era assolutamente indispensabile per correggere gli schematismi insostenibili del decreto legislativo 2005/226, che rifletteva inadeguatezza di quell’impianto nell’accogliere tutti i comparti dell’Istruzione Artistica, in primis la realtà complessa degli Istituti d’Arte. Nella sostanza il semplicismo del decreto legislativo 2005/226 nella parte riferita al nuovo liceo artistico rifletteva la volontà, inespressa, del legislatore di abbandonare gli Istituti d’arte (o di una parte importante di essi) al loro destino.
Ma anche aver suddiviso l’indirizzo architettura, design, ambiente in due sezioni (Architettura e ambiente, Design) non è da ritenersi un passo still not enough because when it comes to design reference is actually a macro which, along with common methodologies in the design of objects for industrial production or craft, coexist with each other very different problems and solutions.
is quite clear that it is certainly desirable, where possible, to compact addresses that are similar but this must reflect a logical rationalization not to be confused with the storage operation of Annex B of the draft Presidential Decree that is expected to unify within a single section twenty-six sections between ordinary and projects supported, plus an unknown number of independent trials 29 . There were other possible solutions? We think so. It would therefore be preferable to divide the section of the Design in smaller areas, each homogeneous group such as goldsmith's art, art metal and jewelry, metal art, Art of coral, metal art and jewelry church furniture, Arts and restoration of the gold and precious metals, art and restoration of metals, art and restoration of coral, the more independent experiments belonging to the same strand. But
c'azzecca Art of lace and embroidery with the above? Would not it be more correct to put it in an area with homogeneous fashion and costume, art of weaving, fabric art, decoration and furnishing church, art and restoration of the fabric and the embroidery?
8.3 The second foreign language
analyzing the system of the new art school can not be relieved of some reflections on the introduction into the curriculum of a second foreign language. As should be known in the regulated directions of art institutes and art schools existed side of a foreign language deficiency unbearable. It must be noted that both the experimental projects that assisted the POF of individual schools had long bypassed this gap by introducing their own initiatives, in fact, the study of English, either as part curricular area want optional. Now this gap is finally filled in a systematic but the choice of "boundary", associated with the introduction of a compulsory second foreign language, which may offset the undoubted benefit, with damage "collateral" on the remaining parts of the curriculum. It can not be ignored that a better balance has manifested itself in the drafting of the curricula of high school and high school science. If the classical high school already had ruled out the legislative decree n.226/2005 the second foreign language, now the estimated time plan for the high school is geared in that direction (taking into account the need to reserve the study of Latin space time needed to learn the grammar of the language). Now, one of two things: either the Latin is a living language such as expendable in the Community or its maintenance has been dictated by the undoubted educational connotations of discipline. But if so, the same care and caution should also be dedicated towards the artistic disciplines traditionally in the address? Or you think that the latter pertains to cultural areas of lower rank to Latin? In fact, the introduction of a second foreign language, a positive step in the abstract, would be an inevitable compression of the fundamental disciplines and Address already struggling to find their timing decent and functional, to the disciplines of science and technology area that has been weakened, if not in fact inadequate, especially in the initial two year period. It is therefore impractical in its place a whole curriculum already mortified, for precise ministerial choice.
8.4 The presence of scientific disciplines in two years and the curriculum
The framers of the art school curriculum seem to have overlooked some "details" not quite insignificant, especially in the identification of subjects to be included in the first two years of course of study. First, it should be noted that the two-year preparatory obligation falls today and that school for some students it may also represent the end of the course. It is therefore essential that at this stage these are disciplines that develop and affinino skills essential to the growth and maturation of the individual. The scientific disciplines perform from this point of view an important role: think of their possible contribution in the education environment, with an adequate awareness about energy issues and the responsible consumption and sustainable, all matters of epic on which the citizenship rights can be exercised freely, provided that individuals possess adequate interpretations. But science concorrono anche alla formazione di una forma mentale che diventa essenziale nei passaggi metodologici tipici di queste scuole, quando dall’idea iniziale si passa al progetto e da questi al prodotto.
Tutto ciò sembra essere totalmente ignorato nella designazione e nella distribuzione delle discipline scientifiche che, quando presenti 30 , sono concentrate nella fase finale del ciclo quinquennale, “mimando” (e peggiorando) l’impostazione del vecchio ordinamento dell’istituto d’arte che si vorrebbe, a parole, superare. Per queste ragioni si chiede un loro spostamento nella fase iniziale del ciclo di studi, anche dare seguito concreto alle doglianze dell’attuale Ministro M. Gelmini that the hearing of June 10, 2008 at the VII Commission of the Chamber of Deputies said:
In international comparisons, our students are among the most unprepared of Europe. The OECD PISA surveys, which measure skills in mathematics and science, reading literacy and problem solving by fifteen, place Italy at the lowest levels of the league. Among 57 countries are at the thirty-third place in reading, the thirty-sixth in scientific culture, the thirty-eighth in mathematics. Worse than we in Europe are only Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania, and Lithuania and Slovenia better than us. Over the past six years we have slipped further down.
Ora ci si chiede: l’impostazione di questo biennio e più in generale nel nuovo Liceo Artistico va nella direzione sollecitata dal Ministro? La nostra risposta è no! In realtà la politica italiana dimostra nei confronti degli standard europei e internazionali uno strabismo intermittente: ci si riferisce ad essi quando si disquisisce di efficacia/efficienza del sistema scolastico ma questi riferimenti vengono rapidissimamente abbandonati quando si deve discutere di investimenti e di retribuzioni degli insegnanti. Ma perfino in un’operazione tutto sommato priva di sostanziali connotazioni economiche come la collocazione delle discipline risente di queste improvvise amnesie. È possibile porre rimedio?
8.5 The lack of technological skills in the new Art School
Another slip of cultural neo-cons that come in bursts in this reform is gathered by the cancellation in the curricula of any space for the technology, regulated directions in the address of the Institutes Art in the curriculum but also assisted as the Pitcher of the trials. The moment you go to the reunion of art schools and art institutes deleting a link between the discipline and the science of making art, an element of unification between two seemingly distant areas. We believe that this choice should be correct, identifying a framework for this adequate space at the end of the training.
8.6 The audio-visual disciplines
A careful reading of the specific learning objectives contained in the decree. 226/2005 relating to this discipline are considered improper in its place two years early. The arguments provided are in fact remarkably complex, difficult to confront in an initial course of studies: if so, whether it calls for the postponement to the following three years.
8.7 Why two-year periods and a final monoennio?
The new high schools incorporate curriculum development already present in the "Moratti reform" by providing an alternative to a most logical initial two year period followed by three years, a development based on two periods of two years and a final conclusion. As the evaluation at the end of the two-year periods, provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 226/2005 was abolished in the meantime what is the point to maintain the two-year periods, it is no longer possible to speak of two years of evaluation? This is not a way to take preparatory measures for the shortening of the cycle of secondary education to four years in which cherished the Minister a few months ago, after his inauguration? And I know the feeling has always shown towards continuity of teaching, this formal solution of continuity between the fourth and fifth year as an influence on the maintenance of classes? Although this issue deserves appropriate attention.
27 If you take as a reference to the curriculum of assisted Michelangelo project, is widespread in high schools than in the Art Institutes, for the period the reduction of hours is 15%.
28 now on draft DPR
29 We mention for completeness of information which should be the path of the previous regulations in force that should be reunited in the same section of design, leaving out all the projects independent experiments.
Art Institute - Sections regulated directions: Art furniture, art pottery, ceramic technology, Jewelry, Art metals and jewelry, fashion and costume, art, metal, coral Arts, Art Wood, Fabric Art, Art Glass, Art porcelain , metal art and jewelry church furnishings, fabric art, decoration and furnishing of the church, art of lace and embroidery. SPRIMENTALE MICHELANGELO PROJECT - Address: Industrial Design, Fashion and costume, art and restoration of ceramics, art and restoration of the gold and precious metals, art and restoration of metals, art and restoration of coral, and restoration of art works in wood. Arts and restoration of the fabric and embroidery, art and restoration of glass, art and book restoration. DRAFT EXPERIMENTAL LEONARDO study architecture and design
Art Institute - Sections regulated directions: Art furniture, art pottery, ceramic technology, Jewelry, Art metals and jewelry, fashion and costume, art, metal, coral Arts, Art Wood, Fabric Art, Art Glass, Art porcelain , metal art and jewelry church furnishings, fabric art, decoration and furnishing of the church, art of lace and embroidery. SPRIMENTALE MICHELANGELO PROJECT - Address: Industrial Design, Fashion and costume, art and restoration of ceramics, art and restoration of the gold and precious metals, art and restoration of metals, art and restoration of coral, and restoration of art works in wood. Arts and restoration of the fabric and embroidery, art and restoration of glass, art and book restoration. DRAFT EXPERIMENTAL LEONARDO study architecture and design
30 physics disappears from disciplines such as mandatory curriculum in the address of the Visual Arts. The discipline of chemistry and technology laboratory, in this regulated directions of Institutes of the Arts and in almost all projects assisted, is totally erased.
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