Sunday, March 1, 2009

Personalized Plates For Sale In Ontario

3 Quale possibile sintesi in un processo di riforma dell’Istruzione Artistica?

Vari sono i punti più sopra indicati che richiederebbero soluzioni diverse, addirittura contrapposte. Soprattutto alcuni passaggi farebbero di certo sobbalzare l’occhiuto “tiranno” dei bilanci della macroeconomia. Ragionamenti quindi inconcludenti, doomed to die at birth?
We think not!
There is first a simple solution, already practiced in fact, a "container" that can, if properly used, to solve most of the needs for reform set out above 4. This solution is already being practiced, but allowed the existing provisions stem from reasons unrelated to this reasoning: the solution is the wide adoption of the generalized form of lessons of fifty minutes. The adoption of the modules 50 'for reasons no more "environmental" (remember how the institutes of art education are not widespread in the territory, with very large catchment areas) ma legata a scelte squisitamente didattiche avrebbe indubbi vantaggi:
3.a L’introduzione dei moduli di 50 minuti libererebbe fino ad un massimo di tre ore settimanali per ogni cattedra, da utilizzare per la creazione di un budget temporale, una sorta di “banca del tempo per una buona Scuola”, da utilizzare in attività di insegnamento sussidiarie e individualizzate, sia in orario curricolare (si pensi alle possibili compresenze da effettuare sulla base di specifiche esigenze, all’interno di progetti ben definiti, documentabili, verificabili), sia attività extra-curricolari, da programmare in maniera flessibile nel corso nell’arco scolastico.
3.b This choice would be available immediately for the recognition of the economic work of all teachers considerable economic resources, now scattered in a thousand streams not always transparent, resources that could be invested to begin, at least, that work to balance the levels pay, to give dignity to the profession, now humbled by indecent salaries, exposing the duplicity of the many mocking that, in words, they say they care about the salary adjustment of 5 category.
3.c A scan of the generalized classes based on modules of 50 'would allow a reduction in total weekly for students, keeping the time spent in school on and effective level of the working week. This time essentialization
3.d-school curriculum would give more space and time for individual study but also to all those activities for personal growth and relationship-school 6, which are certainly complementary expertise offered by the School.
3.e This option will not eroding, at least not in automatic mode, the space allocated to specific subjects in the curriculum and address, thus avoiding the degradation and trivialization of the training, compared to current levels.
3.f Finally, the combination of two modules in the timetable of the lessons of 50 'would, specie per le materie “culturali”, di avere a disposizione un tempo ottimale per l’attività didattica, non garantita viceversa da una singola unità oraria di 60’, troppo dispersiva, anche per le inevitabili incombenze burocratiche che ogni lezione comporta. D’altra parte, l’aggregazione di due moduli da 60’ presenterebbe inconvenienti sulla curva dell’attenzione da parte degli studenti, come ben sa chi opera sul campo, per cui la parte finale di una lezione di 120’ risulterebbe di fatto poco proficua.

È quanto meno singolare che nelle poche note apparse in questo periodo nel sito del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione per illustrare la “riforma” della Scuola Superiore la questione del modulo orario di 50’ sia stato trattato con una superficialità inquietante 7 .

Da dove tanta cecità? La verità è che il Ministero (o il Ministro?) si muove per spot, piuttosto che sulla base di vere riflessioni, che abbiano a cuore le sorti della Scuola Pubblica. Il messaggio subliminale, ma non troppo, che passa in questa slide è: basta con le furbizie, ora sono arrivati i castigamatti e per i furbi e i fannulloni non c’è speranza! La verità è che per nascondere la realtà dei fatti, e i fatti sono i tagli di bilancio da “bassa macelleria” e il peggioramento generalizzato dell’offerta formativa, si preferisce parlare al "Belly" of public opinion, losing a historic opportunity to rationalize and reduce costs but also improving the quality of the school, that the widespread introduction of the module allow time. The creation of a "bank of time for a good school" as proposed in paragraph 3.a should be such as to mitigate, even to cancel the current initiatives to increase the number of pupils per class without compensation systems that, once turn, would result in a deterioration of school quality.

The proposal now advanced may raise some doubts and concerns, compared to a greater overall load that every teacher would argue, for example in terms of increased activity related to teaching. Legitimate concerns but the problem today is not whether the activities related to teaching with this proposal will increase or decrease, the central question is another, if that art education should be in Italy or not to have a future worthy of the name, while assumptions hourly ministerial circulated in recent months, if confirmed, would be ruinous to the fortunes of the entire industry. Of course: an increase of the overall work load to find the right financial recognition within platforms contract worthy of the name, but this will be easier if the issue of recovery time of ten minutes per module will be placed in a transparent, unified and generalized.
We also realize how it is possible, on paper, mediations on this proposal. For example, you could opt for a mixed solution, relying on the one hand to maintain the current legislation which allows, at present, a partial reduction in time compared to documented needs of users, limiting the reduction in time for reasons related to the training offer absolutely necessary. In this way, the budget would be reduced time to recover, for a full professorship, one hour weekly. Frankly, these positions are defensive contortions to writers from "line Piave ", unable to grasp the gravity of the moment, the risks to the very survival of arts education, the need for strong proposals capable of tattered drawings from the Counter in place, awakening public opinion increasingly confused, flattened on hunting "loafers," which weds spreaders conceal the shame governments.

4 be clear: a container should not be confused with the content, but if the container is any inappropriate content becomes unworkable.
5 On the other hand, even the minister Gelmini claimed at the time of his settlement, during his hearing before the Commission VII of the Chamber of Deputies, June 10, 2008 (page 7 of the report verbatim): ".. We can not ignore that the average salary of a secondary school teacher after 15 years teaching, is equal to € 27,500 gross per annum, including the thirteenth. Germany would gain 20,000 more than in Finland 16, 000 more. The OECD average is higher than € 40,000 a year. This term should see a unanimous effort in ensuring that teachers' salaries are adequate to the OECD average. But to do this there are many difficulties and need to address root causes of the inequity of the system, poor disbursement of compensation, mediocre nei risultati, mediocre nelle speranze”.
6 Si pensi a tutte quelle attività di aggregazione giovanile (nello sport, nel volontariato, ecc.), alla partecipazione a nuove forme culturali e di impegno civile (ma anche di svago) che non possono e non devono essere monopolio della Scuola.


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