Sunday, March 1, 2009

Funny Hawaiian Phrases

9 And the appropriate number of hours weekly schedules provided for in the plan of the new art school?

The short answer to this question, given the considerations we have made, it is obviously negative. However, the issue is more complex and varied than it appears at first sight: The container may be inadequate or, conversely, dimensionally correct, depending on the choices made in the outline. The number of hours is certainly inadequate if forms-based time of sixty minutes in this case thirty-four / thirty-five hours are completely inadequate to reproduce in the new curriculum all those learning experiences that we consider essential for the training of students. Contrary if you opted for variations and at the same time there are fundamental changes in the criteria for the overall definition of the curriculum review feasibility could and should be changed. From a careful comparison between the existing legislation and the first paragraph of Article 3 (teaching activities) 31 of the draft Presidential Decree emphasizes that: A. Oltre ad un orario obbligatorio, che per il nuovo liceo artistico è pari a 34 ore per i primi due anni e 35 ore per i successivi, è prevista una quota oraria opzionale, attivabile su richiesta degli studenti e delle loro famiglie, che entrerà nel curricolo per una quota che non potrà superare il 20% dell’orario obbligatorio generale. B. Queste attività potranno tuttavia essere svolte utilizzando l’organico assegnato alle singole scuole: in pratica si faranno solo se nella scuola esisteranno docenti a disposizione (soprannumerari), magari divenuti tali perché espulsi dai loro insegnamenti di partenza, grazie a questa “riforma”. Di organico funzionale da assegnare alle singole istituzioni scolastiche in relation to the planned activities not even the shadow. In essence, the feasibility of this option is doomed to fade in a few years, because teachers in surplus, once retired, will not be replaced: the mirror of freedom of choice is to last five years or so, taking into account the average age of Italian teachers. This is, again, one of the great scams of the Great Barker and his entourage, who use the freedom of choice as a fig leaf to conceal the true nature of their operations aimed at disrupting the secondary school in crowning of the work already begun with the primary school. This point of "Moratti reform-Gelmini" is certainly the most insidious, since it tends to divide the potential users (students and parents) by the teachers, who will, for sure, accused of conservatism and defense of their petty interests of caste . It will therefore be vital to clarify the impracticality of a joke that can be conducted only for a limited period, when the real reforms on the school should have at least a breath decades. Moreover, it is a freedom "supervised" because the scope of possible options would be limited to subjects, as envisaged in the national curriculum or included in a rose once again established a priori on the central staircase. In the face of autonomy, decentralization, local knowledge and so on!

C. has failed in the "Moratti reform-Gelmini" each track refers to the area of \u200b\u200bintegration - that is to that designed by the Boards of hours of class and the teachers - already envisaged in the draft-assisted Self-anticipated, to meet specific needs (in this case of arts education) and the purpose of carrying out initiatives to supplement the educational activities. In a very improvident the area of \u200b\u200bintegration has been replaced, since the decree Legislative n.226/2005, from optional to mandatory, as indicated above, will be determined on the basis of pseudo-individual choices of students and their families.

D. There were other channels to provide users the opportunity to contribute to the definition of integrated curriculum that was not a harbinger of anarchy in its organization but also explain that in a genuine, viable, sustainable choice? We think so. There are now nearly forty years to ensure the tools in this area as a share of choices: they are the bodies. It is not to say that expertise in educational programming specifically belong to the teaching component of the Class Council and the Graduate School now because if this is true it is also equally true that the powers prescribed by law and may be changed by law. This would also be a way to revitalize the bodies, but whose contribution to the component of students and parents, quite frankly over the years has become increasingly marginal and ritual.

E. The time required for the curriculum provided in the draft DPR for individual disciplines will be "filed" within the POF for a maximum share of 30%.

F. School autonomy is expressed freely even by overcoming constraints on the number of lessons, subject to the requirements of service of teachers overall.

said this time it is considered that a plan of the new school of art should include:

- A compulsory hours, defined on a national scale, dimensionally stable on the order of 34/35 hours per week, as foreseen by the draft DPR

- This mandatory curriculum on a national scale, however, should be recalibrated with a more rational distribution of disciplines, taking into account the comments contained in paragraph 8 and those that may arise during the comparison. In this respect it presents a case in Annex No. 1 curriculum of the new school of art that could be applied to all addresses

- In addition to this mandatory curriculum on a national scale is proposed area of \u200b\u200bintegration, useful in the task of the law, planned and defined by individual educational institutions, check the local authorities and heard the opinions of student and parents, represent no more than 20% of the total hours set out on a national scale, without prejudice to the scheduled time for each discipline defined on a national scale can not be reduced by more than 30%.

- For the reasons stated above, the G-spot, not credible is a proposal to increase over the current time that is the area of \u200b\u200bintegration should therefore find its place within 34/35 hours through the widespread introduction for teaching purposes, of modules lasting 50 minutes. This, in our opinion, is the only feasible way to ensure both the protection of employees and improving the quality of training, claiming a new world of instruction, as illustrated in section 3.

Merely as an example in Annex No. 2 shows a possible plan based on forty hours weekly 50-minute modules, distributed the entire five-year period covering the Design section, which includes both the required number of hours that the area of \u200b\u200bintegration.

31 The annual teaching time in high school courses, including the proportion allocated to regions, autonomous schools and the teaching of the Catholic religion in accordance with the Agreement makes changes to the Lateran Concordat and its Additional Protocol implemented by law March 25, 1985, No 121, and the following agreements, comprises compulsory courses and activities for all students and teaching activated within the quota of staff assigned to schools, taking into account the requests of students and their families. For high school courses, the hourly fee paid to individual schools, as determined within the quota of staff assigned to them and taking into account the requests of students and their families, may not exceed 20% of the total number of hours a year, unless understood that the time required by the curriculum of each discipline can not be reduced by more than 30%.




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