6.2 A comparison of weight in the curriculum of artistic experiments assisted with their ordinary and addresses with those of other types of schools
Art in Education wanting to make a first serious comparison between the experimental systems curriculum address and those regulated directions you must first have a clear starting point: what are in fact regulated directions of the art schools and art institutes to which to refer? It would seem an idle question, but it is not. In other words, the art school you must report to the old four-year course? And for the Art Institutes is the starting point the three-year Master of Arts? Come on, at least one bit 'of decency, even for the sake of argument butchery that underlie the operations of this Government on the public schools. Writes the unknown writer of the explanatory memorandum to the draft regulation laying down rules concerning the reorganization of schools, pursuant to Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 133: ".. trials, whatever, involved an average increase of 5-6 hours of weekly hours of instruction in grammar school, science and language. No exception to art school, where the experiments assigned a five-year development amounting to a yearly time of 40 hours. " It is clear in this statement, the pain of the staunch defender of public expenditure, whatever the cost, even at the expense of intelligence. It is quite obvious that refer to the old system's four-year art school to say that assisted the experiments (the Ministry) Art in Education led to an increase in hours tout court (and spending) is to refer to a previous model dead and buried if not by history at least since the liberalization of access to university, civilized achievement of the late sixties. But to support his misguided statement, the document is forced to be silent on the curriculum that should be used as a reference for the Art Institutes, knowing the unsustainability of its argument, because the five-year courses regulated directions of this course are set to argue thirty-nine hours per week and hours of the explosion based on the three-year course is All indefensible, even in the eyes of an ignorant layman.
However, Art in Education, all assisted projects that have taken place after Leonardo (who, we repeat, has only to put order back in art school, with the excess over four years by adding additional year) have a time system fully in line with the previous situation, when they have provided, in made a slight contraction 23.
Why this continuity in the time dimension of the curriculum for the Art in Education assisted projects, which are certainly more body of the other addresses, like high school?
The answer is simple: the process of making art is long and complicated, is not a pure conceptual effort, how can anyone still think it is vice versa of course a process that requires creativity but at the same time stimulating multi-disciplinary, knowledge of complex languages, techniques, manual.
From this point of view, art institutes and art schools, have long since acquired a common identity, in anticipation fatti il “ Liceo delle Arti” uniformando i loro ambiti di ricerca con strette analogie di lavoro, sia sul piano metodologico che su quello dei contenuti.
Scrivevano in un bel documento del 2002 24 , che meriterebbe una rivisitazione, un cospicuo gruppo di Dirigenti Scolastici coordinati da un Ispettore Ministeriale 25 :
“Negli istituti si è mirato a ricondurre l’arte applicata nell’alveo dell’arte tout court, anche con la chiara volontà di contrapporsi a quel luogo comune che tende – ancora oggi - a classificare gerarchicamente l’attività creativa, relegando l’oggetto d’uso all’ultimo gradino della scala e persino a metterne in discussione la sua validità estetica.
Nel contempo, nei licei si è sviluppata un’ampia attività di laboratorio inteso non come il luogo dell’addestramento e della pura esecutività, ma come uno spazio fisico e mentale in cui nascono, si affinano, si verificano le idee, lo spazio della formazione operativa e critica, all’interno di un metodo di apprendimento attivo che ha rappresentato e continua a rappresentare il riferimento di pensiero cui ogni azione didattica quotidiana viene ricondotta.
…Si è affermato un nuovo modo di intendere e di praticare la manualità: modalità cognitiva in cui mano e cervello assumono pari dignità, che consente la ricomposizione del nesso teoria-prassi in positiva voltage and creative design.
Consequently, the project was designed way to intervene in reality, a personal way, critical, concise, expressive, inventive, innovative deal with the complexity, the project as a product, that is, as the terminal stage of a process of design that is realized through the use of planning tools and execution that is based on profound knowledge of materials and techniques. "
All this takes time, disciplines, spaces, equipment, materials that the school is called to guarantee, nor can one reasonably expect to delegate part of this process also the commitment of individual students in domestic dwellings. This is the underlying reason why in all curricula but also assisted the project, it must be recognized, in the laws put in place by the former Minister for Education Law Moratti, and even in the present case the government had recognized arts education curricular facilities overall size than those assigned to other training courses.
The point however is another: whether the curricula of existing assisted projects, particularly those related to autonomy, as they have been "interpreted" by the schools that have adopted them, are adequate to ensure the training mentioned above, the are also those that will be placed in be from 2010/2011?
Art in Education wanting to make a first serious comparison between the experimental systems curriculum address and those regulated directions you must first have a clear starting point: what are in fact regulated directions of the art schools and art institutes to which to refer? It would seem an idle question, but it is not. In other words, the art school you must report to the old four-year course? And for the Art Institutes is the starting point the three-year Master of Arts? Come on, at least one bit 'of decency, even for the sake of argument butchery that underlie the operations of this Government on the public schools. Writes the unknown writer of the explanatory memorandum to the draft regulation laying down rules concerning the reorganization of schools, pursuant to Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 133: ".. trials, whatever, involved an average increase of 5-6 hours of weekly hours of instruction in grammar school, science and language. No exception to art school, where the experiments assigned a five-year development amounting to a yearly time of 40 hours. " It is clear in this statement, the pain of the staunch defender of public expenditure, whatever the cost, even at the expense of intelligence. It is quite obvious that refer to the old system's four-year art school to say that assisted the experiments (the Ministry) Art in Education led to an increase in hours tout court (and spending) is to refer to a previous model dead and buried if not by history at least since the liberalization of access to university, civilized achievement of the late sixties. But to support his misguided statement, the document is forced to be silent on the curriculum that should be used as a reference for the Art Institutes, knowing the unsustainability of its argument, because the five-year courses regulated directions of this course are set to argue thirty-nine hours per week and hours of the explosion based on the three-year course is All indefensible, even in the eyes of an ignorant layman.
However, Art in Education, all assisted projects that have taken place after Leonardo (who, we repeat, has only to put order back in art school, with the excess over four years by adding additional year) have a time system fully in line with the previous situation, when they have provided, in made a slight contraction 23.
Why this continuity in the time dimension of the curriculum for the Art in Education assisted projects, which are certainly more body of the other addresses, like high school?
The answer is simple: the process of making art is long and complicated, is not a pure conceptual effort, how can anyone still think it is vice versa of course a process that requires creativity but at the same time stimulating multi-disciplinary, knowledge of complex languages, techniques, manual.
From this point of view, art institutes and art schools, have long since acquired a common identity, in anticipation fatti il “ Liceo delle Arti” uniformando i loro ambiti di ricerca con strette analogie di lavoro, sia sul piano metodologico che su quello dei contenuti.
Scrivevano in un bel documento del 2002 24 , che meriterebbe una rivisitazione, un cospicuo gruppo di Dirigenti Scolastici coordinati da un Ispettore Ministeriale 25 :
“Negli istituti si è mirato a ricondurre l’arte applicata nell’alveo dell’arte tout court, anche con la chiara volontà di contrapporsi a quel luogo comune che tende – ancora oggi - a classificare gerarchicamente l’attività creativa, relegando l’oggetto d’uso all’ultimo gradino della scala e persino a metterne in discussione la sua validità estetica.
Nel contempo, nei licei si è sviluppata un’ampia attività di laboratorio inteso non come il luogo dell’addestramento e della pura esecutività, ma come uno spazio fisico e mentale in cui nascono, si affinano, si verificano le idee, lo spazio della formazione operativa e critica, all’interno di un metodo di apprendimento attivo che ha rappresentato e continua a rappresentare il riferimento di pensiero cui ogni azione didattica quotidiana viene ricondotta.
…Si è affermato un nuovo modo di intendere e di praticare la manualità: modalità cognitiva in cui mano e cervello assumono pari dignità, che consente la ricomposizione del nesso teoria-prassi in positiva voltage and creative design.
Consequently, the project was designed way to intervene in reality, a personal way, critical, concise, expressive, inventive, innovative deal with the complexity, the project as a product, that is, as the terminal stage of a process of design that is realized through the use of planning tools and execution that is based on profound knowledge of materials and techniques. "
All this takes time, disciplines, spaces, equipment, materials that the school is called to guarantee, nor can one reasonably expect to delegate part of this process also the commitment of individual students in domestic dwellings. This is the underlying reason why in all curricula but also assisted the project, it must be recognized, in the laws put in place by the former Minister for Education Law Moratti, and even in the present case the government had recognized arts education curricular facilities overall size than those assigned to other training courses.
The point however is another: whether the curricula of existing assisted projects, particularly those related to autonomy, as they have been "interpreted" by the schools that have adopted them, are adequate to ensure the training mentioned above, the are also those that will be placed in be from 2010/2011?
23 The reason for this "benevolent" statement will be argued in the next paragraph.
24 http://www.unams.it/Secondarie/Convegni/Archivio_convegni/Forum_18-1-02-testo.html
25 Letterio Vitale, Provincial Coordinator, Antonella Barbarossa, Conservatory Vibo Valentia, Danilo Borghi , ISA Director Massa, Lionello Cammarota, Conservatory Rome, Benito Carletti, Headmaster ISA Sansepolcro (Arezzo), Bernardo Carli, Headmaster LAS Piacenza, Silvio Cattani, Executive ISA Rovereto (Trento), Pasquale Covelli, Headmaster ISA Corato (Bari), Mariagrazia Dardanelli, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Roma 2
Antonio De Ruosi, Dirigente I.S.A. Udine, Rolando Giovannini, Dirigente I.S.A. Faenza, Ilario Luperini, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Pisa, Giovan Battista Maderna, Dirigente L.A.S. Milano, Rolando Meconi, Dirigente scolastico L.A.S. "M. Mafai" Roma, Lino Miccichè, Presidente Scuola Nazionale del Cinema, Annibale Rebaudengo, Conservatorio Milano, Vittorio Servadei, Dirigente I.S.A. Forlì, Leonardo Taschera, Conservatorio Milano, Claudia Termini, Conservatorio Parma, Fausta Tocchio, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Imperia, Emore Valdessalici, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Parma, Andrea Volo, Docente Accademia Belle Arti di Frosinone, M. Concettina Zucchellini, Conservatory La Spezia.
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