Sunday, March 1, 2009

Turbopropr Aircraft Advantage

5. L’attuale situazione dell’Istruzione Artistica nei numeri

In School Media Higher Education Art, represented by the Institutes of Art and the Art School, Italy is a very small segment 8. In the school year 2006/07 to schools of secondary education, consisting of the classic, scientific, Master (now the socio-psycho-pedagogical), technical, professional and artistic, were distributed among the following types 9

As you can see, schools of arts education pertaining to the sector in 2006/07 represented a total of only 5.2%, a modest figure, also confirmed by the school population 10 haunting the industry:

- Members by type of school, secondary school degree - AS 2006/2007 (absolute values \u200b\u200band percentages)

To recognize the "health" over time an interesting indicator of the arts sector can be derived from the analysis of students enrolled in first year, compared to the general pattern in the secondary level state. In the school year 2007/08 11 against an overall contraction in national level of 1.4%, there was a decrease in Art in Education by as much as -2.5%, which has been added to the already considerable decrease of -3.2% in the previous school year.

This figure is even more disturbing when you look at the performance of students enrolled in 1st year in the years immediately preceding

- Registered in the 1st year by type of school in Secondary II state level, percentage change from previous to AS - AS 2003/2004 - 2006/2007 12

arts education is the only sector in the period under consideration contains data on first-year enrollment consistently negative, even in those years when the overall figure was increasing. Why?

-enrolled in the 1st year of study by type of school, secondary school degree AASS 2002/03 - 2007/08

reasonable hypothesis is that the severe climate of uncertainty generated in recent years by the leaders of our country's education policy on the fate of arts education (in particular the Art Institutes) abbia comportato nell’utenza una naturale diffidenza “preventiva” verso un settore dato più volte per morituro. D’altra parte non poteva che essere letto in questo modo il “de profundis” recitato dall’allora Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione L. Moratti (in carica nel precedente Governo Berlusconi) quando più volte aveva ventilato la regionalizzazione degli Istituti d’Arte o di una parte significativa di essi.
Il risultato di questa politica dissennata è stato un costante “dimagramento” del Settore Artistico. Secondo dati riferiti all’anno 2008/09 nella Scuola Media Superiore la popolazione scolastica si è così ripartita 13

33,6% Istituti Tecnici
23,1% Licei Scientifici
21% Istituti Professionali
10,8% Licei Classici
7,8% Scuole e Istituti Magistrali
3,6% Istituti d’Arte e Licei Artistici

Questi dati, da soli, segnalano quale sia oggi il livello di precarietà dell’Istruzione Artistica, immiserita ulteriormente in questi due anni in termini di popolazione scolastica frequentante questo indirizzo di studi, al punto da apparire residuale.
La marginalità del bacino di utenza, la scarsa attenzione prestata, non solo dai media, alle problematiche dell’Istruzione Artistica, l’indubbia complessità interna of this sector, can now become an excuse, an "affordable" to "draw a line" on this reality or any substantial part of it can scarcely be due to rigid and simplistic schemes such as those contained in the case of " reform "made by this Government.
is however no doubt that this actually represents a complex challenge for any hypothesis genuine reformers. It is therefore good to take stock of the current framework, in search of what might be the issues at stake here, such as defects to be corrected in order to ferry the experiences of the whole sector in a way that is High School of the Arts to future challenges.

8 Ministry of Education, Directorate General Studies and Planning - Office II - The Statistical Services - The training of secondary school level courses in state law, trials and autonomy. - March 2007.
9 is possible that these data contain slight "smearing" so that in subsequent statistical data, also published by the MIUR for the reference year it comes to ISA 159 and LAS 101.: See

11 http://www.pubblica.istruzione. it/mpi/pubblicazioni/2008/allegati/notiziario_0708_new.pdf
12 should be noted that the percentage changes in an area of \u200b\u200b"niche" as art education are more sensitive to fluctuations in absolute given, compared to address larger.
13 From: Il Sole 24 Ore, A. Casalegno, of 14.01.2009, p.. 13.


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