Sunday, March 1, 2009

How To Write A Interest Letter For A Sorority

7. There is now a project for art education reform worthy of the name? 8.The

to this question one can not say no. The only good news, important, that the hypothesis of the Gelmini should be recognized is the choice that the new art school is that today's art schools Art Institutes, with all their addresses. After years of hesitation, uncertainty about the fate of these institutions, it seems that at least this issue has finally found a permanent solution.
Otherwise, the so-called reform is a photocopy Gelmini, a little 'faded, scissor kick, putting the reform in the field at the time by the Minister L. Moratti which had aroused many protests, so that the next Minister had decreed his suspension, pending its review. With the change of political majority in the reform, "Moratti was quickly resumed, worse: we must not fail to mention that in the transition-Gelmini Moratti plan weekly timetable for setting up art school goes from early 36/38 hours per week as specified in the Moratti reform, 34/35 to 26 hours
. This in unbelievable
because, as stated in the explanatory memorandum to the draft regulations (the result at least in the spirit of the duo Gelmini-Tremonti), pursuant to Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree-Law June 25, 2008, No 112, ratified by Law No 6 August 2008 133, the "Gelmini reforms" should aim to streamline the current school courses, but the opportunity was too good and has seen fit to seize the moment to cut back even further curricula of Legislative Decree 226/2005 (reform Moratti) whose jurisdictions, as has been forced to acknowledge in the same explanatory memorandum, in fact, have not been tested or, even less, entered into force. Now as you can rationalize the orders never been invoked or tested in the field is a mystery, or the young Gelmini want to say that "Moratti reform" fruit for another of the former government Berlusconi, was an obvious jumble of waste and inefficiency? Once again, the sorcerer's apprentice, in the rush to please the king, the king gave an idiot. However
cuts envisaged total of 27 curricula
are not the only limitations of this pseudo-reform: the dual purpose Gelmini has succeeded in eroding the curricula of "Moratti reform" and transfer of foot in "his" project many serious limitations of the legislative decree n.226 17 October 2005, already reported at the time from school.

26 Figures from the two / three years.


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