Sunday, March 1, 2009

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Alcune riflessioni, per tesi, su un’ipotesi condivisa di riforma dell’Istruzione Artistica

1. Abstract
These brief remarks are intended as a small contribution to the process that began with the Conference held recently in Venice, at the Art Institute 2
. At that time, were brought to light all the limits and the "duplicity" of the recent initiatives undertaken by the Government of arts education within a more comprehensive picture of weakening the public school, with a view to essentialization of training, guided by pure logic of cuts to services that a modern democratic state and vice versa should be able to ensure 3 . This
not only because the public school is called, as in footnote 3, to give everyone the tools you need for a full and conscious citizenship but also because only through a training system will be possible for the modern country overcome those challenges that globalization actually imposes on us. Art education, on this side can make an important contribution, both in terms of protection, preservation and enhancement of our artistic heritage, real value added of the country, both as a breeding ground for the development of the "culture of beauty" that underlying the phenomenon of "Made in Italy" that everyone, in words, say they want to support.
This, mind you, can not tradursi in un semplice arroccamento dell’esistente: curricoli e programmi, specie negli indirizzi ordinamentali risalgono a tempi ormai lontani, con strutture del ciclo di studi, come negli Istituti d’Arte, basati su un triennio iniziale e un biennio finale indifendibili e che devono essere superati, anche alla luce del prolungamento dell’obbligo scolastico che impone scelte diverse. In altre parole, la “provocazione” messa in campo dall’attuale Governo può essere, sempre che ne abbiamo la forza e l’intelligenza necessarie, un momento per un’autentica modernizzazione e miglioramento dell’intero settore.
Dobbiamo in tempi rapidi saper individuare una proposta di riforma seria dell’Istruzione Art to be not only the government but also to political parties, trade unions, the world of culture and entrepreneurship, reform options that combines the curricula not only appropriate but which also addresses the efficiency and effectiveness of the nodes system, without leaving too many of these issues to the demagoguery of the moment Brunetta.
Above all, we must avoid, we believe, to give an image of a corporation that moves "pro domo her" the only way we can share our protest and our proposals not only the current user but, more generally, with a wider public, something that will more than other troubled "the Great Timoniere”.
In altre parole, solo essendo credibili a tutto campo, riusciremo a creare le condizioni per un “diritto all’ascolto”, che può essere premessa per una resipiscenza, sia pure tardiva, di chi oggi regge le sorti del nostro Paese.

Ciò premesso, le considerazioni che seguono hanno come punto di partenza gli Istituti d’Arte, l’ambito di lavoro di chi scrive queste note. È del tutto evidente che si tratta di un ambito parziale, che andrà necessariamente raccordato, nel corso del dibattito, con l’altro settore, quello dei Licei Artistici che insieme dovrebbero andare a concorrere alla formazione del nuovo “Liceo d’Arte” o (come sembrerebbe more appropriate to inscribe) the new "School of the Arts." In any case, it seemed appropriate from this area to embark on a path as possible unit that knows in quick times single out a proposal for reform, open both to those who work daily in the world of arts education but also, hopefully , a successful external contributions.

This one is not and will not usually be claimed to be the Word document. It is rather a sketch, the initiation of a work in progress, which hopefully can be built, modified, enhanced by the contributions of many. For this reason, each chapter has a number and, where appropriate, divided into numbered paragraphs, to facilitate the process of review and integration.
2 ISA Venice, 11/12/2008, conference organized by the CESP, the documents are currently available in:
3 Article 3 of the Charter Costuzionale: "It is the responsibility of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political , economic and social development of the country. "

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1. Quali gli aspetti centrali da cui partire per un reale processo di riforma dell’Istruzione Artistica?

The following are in summary form what should be, in the opinion of writers, the key points which should refer to the Legislature in initiating a genuine process of reform, not only in order not to diminish the supply existing training, but reinforced by the introduction of new disciplines in the curriculum, relocation and / or remodeling of existing ones, the review and reformulation of the programs, the initiation of innovative teaching strategies to overcome barriers that go stale, based almost exclusively on traditional lectures, the redefinition of the classes of competition. It is quite clear that such an intervention di riforma è chiamato ad armonizzare esigenze a volte divergenti, che devono però essere ricomposte ed equilibrate, pena il fallimento sul nascere di un vero cambiamento.

2.1 L’attuale elevamento dell’obbligo scolastico impone necessariamente un’impostazione dei curricoli basati su un biennio culturalmente forte, in cui siano garantiti quei saperi minimi, basati su standard internazionali richiesti per questa fase del ciclo di studi, ciclo che per alcuni può essere conclusivo, per altri solo un passaggio propedeutico verso un successivo percorso di indirizzo: quest’ultimo dovrebbe contenere in sé sia aspetti pre-professionalizzanti (via via più marcati), sia garantire l’eventuale proficuo proseguimento in un ciclo di studi superiori.

2.2 Al fine di contenere l’insuccesso e la dispersione scolastica il biennio iniziale in questione dovrebbe avere un impianto il più possibile omogeneo con gli altri indirizzi di studi, in modo da consentire quei passaggi trasversali che si rendano necessari per correggere scelte di indirizzo a suo tempo non ponderate o rivelatesi sbagliate, passaggi che di fatto sono ostacolati da curricoli profondamente diversi. È quindi opportuno che le discipline squisitamente di indirizzo siano posticipate al triennio mentre nei primi due anni si dovrebbero privilegiare quelle discipline che per loro natura sono deputate alla creazione di un “humus artistico” di base (l’attuale disegno dal vero, disegno geometrico, plastica degli Istituti d’Arte) indispensabile per la fase successiva.

2.3 Specie nelle discipline cosiddette “culturali” il processo di apprendimento viene solo avviato nel corso delle attività svolte in classe; a queste deve necessariamente seguire un’adeguata fase di studio individuale, indispensabile per una rielaborazione personale e un’autentica assimilazione di quanto appreso, condizione necessaria per superare un approccio nozionistico e superficiale. È quindi importante che il tempo-scuola non sia eccessivamente dilatato, a scapito dello studio individuale.

2.4 Le discipline caratterizzanti questo ciclo di studi conversely require learning experiences with the use of materials, equipment and laboratories that only the school structure may in fact provide. Therefore, it is profoundly wrong any suggestion of pseudo-reform that goes in the direction to cancel or radically mortifying experience in the curriculum for the basic growth process of the students, laboratories and process hinged on the arts in general and section. These are the places for the "making art", in which, starting from the acquisition of pre-existing visual languages \u200b\u200band representation, is passed to the conception, design and implementation of articles of applied art that it should be mentioned must unite in itself, both formal values \u200b\u200bthat use values. This is a process, long, laborious, time consuming and rigorous exercise. Some would never think to claim that a good pianist learns to play the piano by mail? Is it a coincidence that the Renaissance artists in the workshops were to spend a long, arduous period of apprenticeship? The truth is that art making is a complex process, where you must combine intelligence, knowledge, manual skills: This summary requires time and training opportunities, and can not be delegated, for obvious reasons the study or undertaking home.

2.5 individualized educational interventions for small groups are now a well established aspect of the way to school, remedial courses and study in progress during the school year approved by the Boards of class, individualized recovery activities undertaken at the request of individual students, promotion of excellence, summer schools as an aid to overcome gaps identified in the final judgments or to ensure the successful transition of students from other types of schools are just some examples of the myriad of educational activities that are involved constantly Committee. One must also consider the rapid social transformations in the country, which will inevitably reflect and be reflected increasingly in the School: migration flows have changed in alcune realtà in maniera significativa la composizione dell’utenza, con le relative problematiche di alfatizzazione e di integrazione.
In altre parole, già ora, di fatto, è cambiato il modo di fare scuola, per cui l’insegnamento tradizionale frontale rappresenta solo una parte del lavoro visibile, direttamente legato alla docenza. Perché allora non prendere atto di questo cambiamento che vede finalmente l’insegnamento riferirsi non più solo al gruppo-classe ma anche alle esigenze degli individui? Non è più logico istituzionalizzare all’interno dell’orario di cattedra un tempo da destinarsi all’insegnamento tradizionale e definire contemporaneamente uno spazio per le attività di insegnamento individualizzate? Sia chiaro, per evitare equivoci, che non si sta proponendo una dilatazione dell’orario di cattedra ma solo una sua diversa ripartizione.

2.6 L’introduzione della lingua straniera (inglese), oggi assente negli indirizzi ordinamentali, è un’esigenza indifferibile; tale disciplina deve trovare uno spazio orario adeguato per l’intero ciclo di studi.

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3 Quale possibile sintesi in un processo di riforma dell’Istruzione Artistica?

Vari sono i punti più sopra indicati che richiederebbero soluzioni diverse, addirittura contrapposte. Soprattutto alcuni passaggi farebbero di certo sobbalzare l’occhiuto “tiranno” dei bilanci della macroeconomia. Ragionamenti quindi inconcludenti, doomed to die at birth?
We think not!
There is first a simple solution, already practiced in fact, a "container" that can, if properly used, to solve most of the needs for reform set out above 4. This solution is already being practiced, but allowed the existing provisions stem from reasons unrelated to this reasoning: the solution is the wide adoption of the generalized form of lessons of fifty minutes. The adoption of the modules 50 'for reasons no more "environmental" (remember how the institutes of art education are not widespread in the territory, with very large catchment areas) ma legata a scelte squisitamente didattiche avrebbe indubbi vantaggi:
3.a L’introduzione dei moduli di 50 minuti libererebbe fino ad un massimo di tre ore settimanali per ogni cattedra, da utilizzare per la creazione di un budget temporale, una sorta di “banca del tempo per una buona Scuola”, da utilizzare in attività di insegnamento sussidiarie e individualizzate, sia in orario curricolare (si pensi alle possibili compresenze da effettuare sulla base di specifiche esigenze, all’interno di progetti ben definiti, documentabili, verificabili), sia attività extra-curricolari, da programmare in maniera flessibile nel corso nell’arco scolastico.
3.b This choice would be available immediately for the recognition of the economic work of all teachers considerable economic resources, now scattered in a thousand streams not always transparent, resources that could be invested to begin, at least, that work to balance the levels pay, to give dignity to the profession, now humbled by indecent salaries, exposing the duplicity of the many mocking that, in words, they say they care about the salary adjustment of 5 category.
3.c A scan of the generalized classes based on modules of 50 'would allow a reduction in total weekly for students, keeping the time spent in school on and effective level of the working week. This time essentialization
3.d-school curriculum would give more space and time for individual study but also to all those activities for personal growth and relationship-school 6, which are certainly complementary expertise offered by the School.
3.e This option will not eroding, at least not in automatic mode, the space allocated to specific subjects in the curriculum and address, thus avoiding the degradation and trivialization of the training, compared to current levels.
3.f Finally, the combination of two modules in the timetable of the lessons of 50 'would, specie per le materie “culturali”, di avere a disposizione un tempo ottimale per l’attività didattica, non garantita viceversa da una singola unità oraria di 60’, troppo dispersiva, anche per le inevitabili incombenze burocratiche che ogni lezione comporta. D’altra parte, l’aggregazione di due moduli da 60’ presenterebbe inconvenienti sulla curva dell’attenzione da parte degli studenti, come ben sa chi opera sul campo, per cui la parte finale di una lezione di 120’ risulterebbe di fatto poco proficua.

È quanto meno singolare che nelle poche note apparse in questo periodo nel sito del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione per illustrare la “riforma” della Scuola Superiore la questione del modulo orario di 50’ sia stato trattato con una superficialità inquietante 7 .

Da dove tanta cecità? La verità è che il Ministero (o il Ministro?) si muove per spot, piuttosto che sulla base di vere riflessioni, che abbiano a cuore le sorti della Scuola Pubblica. Il messaggio subliminale, ma non troppo, che passa in questa slide è: basta con le furbizie, ora sono arrivati i castigamatti e per i furbi e i fannulloni non c’è speranza! La verità è che per nascondere la realtà dei fatti, e i fatti sono i tagli di bilancio da “bassa macelleria” e il peggioramento generalizzato dell’offerta formativa, si preferisce parlare al "Belly" of public opinion, losing a historic opportunity to rationalize and reduce costs but also improving the quality of the school, that the widespread introduction of the module allow time. The creation of a "bank of time for a good school" as proposed in paragraph 3.a should be such as to mitigate, even to cancel the current initiatives to increase the number of pupils per class without compensation systems that, once turn, would result in a deterioration of school quality.

The proposal now advanced may raise some doubts and concerns, compared to a greater overall load that every teacher would argue, for example in terms of increased activity related to teaching. Legitimate concerns but the problem today is not whether the activities related to teaching with this proposal will increase or decrease, the central question is another, if that art education should be in Italy or not to have a future worthy of the name, while assumptions hourly ministerial circulated in recent months, if confirmed, would be ruinous to the fortunes of the entire industry. Of course: an increase of the overall work load to find the right financial recognition within platforms contract worthy of the name, but this will be easier if the issue of recovery time of ten minutes per module will be placed in a transparent, unified and generalized.
We also realize how it is possible, on paper, mediations on this proposal. For example, you could opt for a mixed solution, relying on the one hand to maintain the current legislation which allows, at present, a partial reduction in time compared to documented needs of users, limiting the reduction in time for reasons related to the training offer absolutely necessary. In this way, the budget would be reduced time to recover, for a full professorship, one hour weekly. Frankly, these positions are defensive contortions to writers from "line Piave ", unable to grasp the gravity of the moment, the risks to the very survival of arts education, the need for strong proposals capable of tattered drawings from the Counter in place, awakening public opinion increasingly confused, flattened on hunting "loafers," which weds spreaders conceal the shame governments.

4 be clear: a container should not be confused with the content, but if the container is any inappropriate content becomes unworkable.
5 On the other hand, even the minister Gelmini claimed at the time of his settlement, during his hearing before the Commission VII of the Chamber of Deputies, June 10, 2008 (page 7 of the report verbatim): ".. We can not ignore that the average salary of a secondary school teacher after 15 years teaching, is equal to € 27,500 gross per annum, including the thirteenth. Germany would gain 20,000 more than in Finland 16, 000 more. The OECD average is higher than € 40,000 a year. This term should see a unanimous effort in ensuring that teachers' salaries are adequate to the OECD average. But to do this there are many difficulties and need to address root causes of the inequity of the system, poor disbursement of compensation, mediocre nei risultati, mediocre nelle speranze”.
6 Si pensi a tutte quelle attività di aggregazione giovanile (nello sport, nel volontariato, ecc.), alla partecipazione a nuove forme culturali e di impegno civile (ma anche di svago) che non possono e non devono essere monopolio della Scuola.

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4. Esistono ulteriori elementi di razionalizzazione in un processo di riforma dell’Istruzione Artistica?

Naturalmente esistono ulteriori spazi di razionalizzazione nel passaggio dagli Istituti d’Arte al Liceo delle Arti, aspetti che dovrebbero essi presi in seria considerazione, mettendo mano al processo di riforma. A mo’ di esempio ne citiamo due.
4.1 Una anacronistica distinzione che a nostro parere andrebbe superata è quella tuttora presente nelle attività sezionali, per cui la fase iniziale rappresentata dal Disegno Professionale o dalla Progettazione rimane ben distinta da quella esecutiva, rappresentata dai Laboratori. Questa distinzione dei ruoli aveva un significato varie decine di anni fa, quando gli insegnanti di laboratorio erano spesso ex allievi, magari con il solo titolo di Maestro d’Arte oppure, ancora prima, semplici artigiani, dotati di grande perizia tecnica ma incapaci di un’autonoma elaborazione didattica. In quel contesto l’istituzione della Direzione dei Laboratori aveva lo scopo di ovviare a quelle difficoltà but today it is entirely without foundation: the skills, training and qualifications required of teachers Laboratory are in fact similar to those of colleagues in the Professional and Designer. The persistence of this separation is wrong, because:
- leads to an artificial separation between the idea and its implementation, inter alia, making more difficult the adjustment of feedback,
- involves the training of teaching professional design that in fact, been reduced to twelve hours of actual teaching, as the other six in the Department of Laboratory
- is a source of diseconomies in the curricula for the inevitable time lags that of the unitary vice versa ideation, planning and executive entrusted to a single teacher to avoid.
In other words, to reunify the sectional activities on the one hand would be an improvement on the level of education, would enable significant economies of aligning teaching professional design standards common to the other teachings, would absorb any minor contractions of the total number of hours allocated to providing Sections.

4.2 Another inconsistency to be overcome, again in sectional area, concerns the teaching of Technology Applied Arts in existing Art Institutes. While reaffirming the importance of educational discipline is quite clear that his fragmentary and her unfortunate place in the initial three years, starting from the first year, even before the preliminary disciplines such as physics or chemistry have been discussed, it involves a humiliation and a decline in the formative contribution to the students. It is therefore postponed its relocation, in the concluding part of the course, concentrating it in one year (possibly the 5th year). Again, with small adjustments dictated by common sense, a slight contraction would not undermine the effectiveness of this teaching, while freeing of slots for new curricular disciplines.

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5. L’attuale situazione dell’Istruzione Artistica nei numeri

In School Media Higher Education Art, represented by the Institutes of Art and the Art School, Italy is a very small segment 8. In the school year 2006/07 to schools of secondary education, consisting of the classic, scientific, Master (now the socio-psycho-pedagogical), technical, professional and artistic, were distributed among the following types 9

As you can see, schools of arts education pertaining to the sector in 2006/07 represented a total of only 5.2%, a modest figure, also confirmed by the school population 10 haunting the industry:

- Members by type of school, secondary school degree - AS 2006/2007 (absolute values \u200b\u200band percentages)

To recognize the "health" over time an interesting indicator of the arts sector can be derived from the analysis of students enrolled in first year, compared to the general pattern in the secondary level state. In the school year 2007/08 11 against an overall contraction in national level of 1.4%, there was a decrease in Art in Education by as much as -2.5%, which has been added to the already considerable decrease of -3.2% in the previous school year.

This figure is even more disturbing when you look at the performance of students enrolled in 1st year in the years immediately preceding

- Registered in the 1st year by type of school in Secondary II state level, percentage change from previous to AS - AS 2003/2004 - 2006/2007 12

arts education is the only sector in the period under consideration contains data on first-year enrollment consistently negative, even in those years when the overall figure was increasing. Why?

-enrolled in the 1st year of study by type of school, secondary school degree AASS 2002/03 - 2007/08

reasonable hypothesis is that the severe climate of uncertainty generated in recent years by the leaders of our country's education policy on the fate of arts education (in particular the Art Institutes) abbia comportato nell’utenza una naturale diffidenza “preventiva” verso un settore dato più volte per morituro. D’altra parte non poteva che essere letto in questo modo il “de profundis” recitato dall’allora Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione L. Moratti (in carica nel precedente Governo Berlusconi) quando più volte aveva ventilato la regionalizzazione degli Istituti d’Arte o di una parte significativa di essi.
Il risultato di questa politica dissennata è stato un costante “dimagramento” del Settore Artistico. Secondo dati riferiti all’anno 2008/09 nella Scuola Media Superiore la popolazione scolastica si è così ripartita 13

33,6% Istituti Tecnici
23,1% Licei Scientifici
21% Istituti Professionali
10,8% Licei Classici
7,8% Scuole e Istituti Magistrali
3,6% Istituti d’Arte e Licei Artistici

Questi dati, da soli, segnalano quale sia oggi il livello di precarietà dell’Istruzione Artistica, immiserita ulteriormente in questi due anni in termini di popolazione scolastica frequentante questo indirizzo di studi, al punto da apparire residuale.
La marginalità del bacino di utenza, la scarsa attenzione prestata, non solo dai media, alle problematiche dell’Istruzione Artistica, l’indubbia complessità interna of this sector, can now become an excuse, an "affordable" to "draw a line" on this reality or any substantial part of it can scarcely be due to rigid and simplistic schemes such as those contained in the case of " reform "made by this Government.
is however no doubt that this actually represents a complex challenge for any hypothesis genuine reformers. It is therefore good to take stock of the current framework, in search of what might be the issues at stake here, such as defects to be corrected in order to ferry the experiences of the whole sector in a way that is High School of the Arts to future challenges.

8 Ministry of Education, Directorate General Studies and Planning - Office II - The Statistical Services - The training of secondary school level courses in state law, trials and autonomy. - March 2007.
9 is possible that these data contain slight "smearing" so that in subsequent statistical data, also published by the MIUR for the reference year it comes to ISA 159 and LAS 101.: See

11 http://www.pubblica.istruzione. it/mpi/pubblicazioni/2008/allegati/notiziario_0708_new.pdf
12 should be noted that the percentage changes in an area of \u200b\u200b"niche" as art education are more sensitive to fluctuations in absolute given, compared to address larger.
13 From: Il Sole 24 Ore, A. Casalegno, of 14.01.2009, p.. 13.

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6. Prima della Gelmini il nulla?

We have seen in recent months on advertising campaigns designed to smuggle the initiatives put in place in public education as the duo Tremonti-Gelmini titanic companies to bring order to chaos almost a century in which it fell progressively Public School Italian: the only reform worth to remember, at this point would be that of the Minister Giovanni Gentile. Now it is true that we live in a climate of historical revisionism in all fields, it is true that the Public School suffers from many ills, primarily for the abandonment in which it was left by the many, too many governments that have succeeded but if the cultural references or models of the underlying Minister are to them is really creepy.
actually deny in toto the value of the Training System is used to de-legitimize the existing, in order to accuse anyone of conservatism, even tentatively, try a different approach. All this to make a clean sweep of the existing model and to impose a new "light" and "compassionate" public schools, allowing not just a desirable efficiency and effectiveness of the system, permitting a reduction in the banal and brutal Spending Public primary objective of the majority.
But things are not, fortunately, so. In recent decades we have witnessed, accanto ai guasti, alle molte iniziative messe in campo per sopperire alla lentezza nell’innovazione e nella modernizzazione dei curricoli e dei programmi, a volte per felici intuizioni di qualche politico “illuminato”, molto più spesso per l’impegno dei tanti che nella scuola lavorano con passione e intelligenza,. Nella Secondaria Superiore, che è quella che più ha risentito dell’immobilismo delle politiche scolastiche, numerosissime iniziative di sperimentazione sono state avviate da decenni, a partire dalla realtà delle singole scuole. Altre sperimentazioni, cosiddette “assistite” sono state inoltre promosse dalle varie strutture del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, trovando una notevole disponibilità level of educational institutions in the area. In particular we want here to consider those experiments assisted, promoted by the Ministry that involved, for various reasons, art education. This choice, of course simplistic compared to the more general view of Artistic Experimentation in Education, is dictated by the need to identify, if any, reform models already in the pipeline, in order to scale the application, for life, for audits that are regularly been subjected in recent years, allowing to capture ideas for reform paths with reality, have been run by the experience and avoid chasing the chimera of Nero's novel that "would destroy Rome to revive it more beautiful and bigger than before, " 14.

6.1 The experiments assisted in Education Artistic

As well documented in the intervention of Valerie Vivian 16 , Professor of History at the ISA in Venice, at the Conference " What future for art education? "11/12/2008 held in Venice at the local art school, the history of art institutes and art schools is long and has its roots, at least for the ISA, well before the Royal Decree of 1923, linked to the name of the philosopher John Gentile. The limits of their system are still protests highlighted by the late '60s. The 1969 marks a turning point for this sector with the liberalization of access to university and the introduction of additional fifth year for the Art School. For Art Institutes, since 1970 17 the inclusion of a two-year trial, after three-years for ISA also introduces a five-year cycle, with the possibility for graduates of a free access to universities .
It was in any case of two initiatives buffer lacking the organic need for real comprehensive modernization of curricula.
In any case, In 1974, the approval of the DPR 31/05/74 No 419 has provided important tools "supplementary" and renewal of the Italian school of arts education in particular. It is dedicated to experimentation: the art. 3 has opened the way for trials of sorting, while article 2 has allowed the testing methodology and didactic. In the absence of legislative action, self-experimentation, and the proposal made directly by individual schools, has been around for twenty years the only tool for vehicles within the 'arts education is all innovative measures necessary to improve the provision of training in report alle nuove esigenze provenienti dalla realtà sociale e produttiva, sia per dare organicità e senso compiuto al percorso quinquennale.
Per tutto questo periodo brilla per assenza di iniziative proprie l’Ispettorato all’Istruzione Artistica che solo nel 1988 è in grado di presentare un proprio progetto assistito, il Progetto Leonardo, limitato tuttavia ai soli Licei Artistici, a quasi vent’anni dall’introduzione dell’anno integrativo. Più che un progetto di sperimentazione, che dovrebbe per definizione prefigurare percorsi nuovi, testandone limiti e potenzialità, andrebbe definito come un atto notarile di riordino di una situazione de facto ormai consolidata, in cui l’ordanimentale non è più able to cope with the challenge of liberalization of university access.

14 The data used in the next paragraph and refer to the individual schools, arts education and related directly involved in various capacities in experiments were taken from the website of the Ministry of Education, more precisely :
for ISA-
for LAS -
http: / / / scuola_e_famiglia / licartspe.shtml
Si tratta di dati da prendere con le pinze, perché non perfettamente aggiornati ma che rappresentano in ogni caso un buon colpo d’occhio sulle sperimentazioni nell’Istruzione Artistica. Dati più certi si potranno ottenere incrociandoli con altre fonti, quali i POF delle singole istituzioni scolastiche.
15 Per i Progetti Assistiti Leonardo, Brocca e Michelangelo le informazioni riportate in questo paragrafo sono tratte dal sito ufficiale del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, nella sezione destinata all’informazione rivolta alle famiglie: .
Per il progetto "Curricula Autonomy" the material is taken from
Where necessary steps of the official texts are highlighted in italics.
16 Published in:
17 Law September 14, 1970, No 692 Article 1
"... the same context of testing, with effect from school year 1970-71 and until the reform of arts education in the context of Education Secondaria Superiore, saranno istituiti presso gli Istituti Statali d’Arte che ne facciano richiesta, con Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica su proposta del Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione previo parere di una Commissione di esperti nominata e presieduta dal Ministro stesso, corsi biennali che estendano la durata degli studi a cinque anni e consentano ai giovani una formazione culturale ed artistica di livello di scuola secondaria di secondo grado quinquennale...”

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Il liceo che viene prefigurato nel progetto è quello di un "liceo artistico sperimentale come scuola di formazione critica nel campo dell'espressione figurativa". È stato strutturato in biennio iniziale comune and three years later, with four separate locations:

Architecture and Design - Graphic-visual
- Figurative

- Cataloguing and preservation of cultural

In two years, with a weekly schedule of 40 hours, there are only subjects of the basic (55% of the total hours per week) and disciplines that characterize the course (corresponding to 45%), for a total of 40 hours.
In three years, with a working week of 38 hours of the basic disciplines accounted for approximately 52.6%, those characterizing amounted to 21% in the third and fourth years, falling to 15.8% in the final, covering the disciplines address the remaining number of hours per week for 26.3% in the third and fourth years, reaching 31.6% in the fifth.
Compared to the existing plan shows a substantial reduction in the total number of hours on a weekly basis, however, spread over five years instead of the only four-and suggests an accentuation of interest in the theoretical and cultural issues is through the introduction of new disciplines , both by strengthening existing ones.

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The experimental project "Jug" drew a cultural model that has its own training field into a new institution called "Art School", whose curriculum, homogeneous to the general "Jug" is meant to ensure an adequate level of common culture and, together with a characterization of address.
It is based on a common basis in all fields of production, preservation of artifacts and artifacts of communication, expression and use, consists of design-production of design and production of images that mark respectively the addresses suddiviso.Sulla which is behind this project, the Secondary School of Art, to five years, are structured in two years and shared in a three-year period in three addresses.
- arts and visual communication
- Arts compositive e progettazione
- Beni culturali e conservazione
L’orario settimanale è rispettivamente di 34 ore nel biennio e 38 ore nel triennio conclusivo. In tutti e tre gli indirizzi più sopra indicati il Progetto Brocca prevede espressamente l’attivazione - da 60 a 120 ore/anno – del "laboratorio polifunzionale", inteso come "spazio ideale" in cui si sperimentano tecniche, procedimenti, esperienze di progetto, utilizzando i laboratori fisicamente costituiti e presenti nella scuola, nonché quelli individuati e individuabili sul territorio presso scuole, enti, istituzioni pubbliche e private.

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E' stato organizzato so as to be usable by both the Institutes of the Arts that the art schools. It provides for a five-year path, structured in an orientation period followed by three years of indirizzo.Le disciplines covered by the plan of study are located within three areas: an area of \u200b\u200bthe base, featuring area and an area of \u200b\u200baddress.
The regulations of the first two areas together to form a common cultural heritage, and the disciplines of the social environments that address various specific artistic and professional, also in relation to local needs.
The project involves three areas of artistic studies, plus thirteen 18
addresses speciali.Indirizzi:
- Area compositional
painting and decorative painting - sculpture and plastic decorations - architecture and interior design - industrial design - fashion and lifestyle -

- Area of \u200b\u200bvisual communication
graphics - photograph, film and television

- Area of \u200b\u200bcultural
survey and cataloging

Special addresses
Alabaster Arts and restoration - the mosaic - the coral - the glass - the book-embroidery and fabric - furniture - ceramics - metal - of 'gold and precious metals - the stone work - the paintings - of the woodworks.

18 In the original text of the page are twelve

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Project autonomy 19

Project Autonomy, initially called for arts education as a Reorganization of the project cycle is the direct subsidiary of a project assisted more generally, "Curricula of autonomy", begun in July 1997 under Article. 21 of Law 15.03.1997, n. 59 which gave autonomy to educational institutions. This trial, sponsored by all the General Directorates of the Ministry of Education (Classical Education, Scientific and Teaching, Education Professionale e Istruzione Tecnica) e dall’Ispettorato all’Istruzione Artistica è stata sperimentata sul territorio nazionale 20
in 166 scuole secondarie superiori di ogni ordine, distribuite nelle varie aree geografiche del paese. Di queste sole cinque sono scuole di ordine artistico 21 “cooptate” dal Ministero, secondo i ben noti canoni di trasparenza vigenti nell’Ispettorato all’Istruzione Artistica: L.A.S. di Reggio Calabria, I.S.A. di Perugia, I.S.A. di Pisa, I.S.A. di Rovereto, ISA di Urbino.
Nel 2000 la sperimentazione è stata rinnovata e allargata nella sua applicazione e nell’offerta formativa all’intero ciclo quinquennale .
Questa sperimentazione, si è caratterizzata per il tentativo, pregevole, di creare tre aree:
- Area di equivalenza - una vasta area comune ai vari ordini di scuole superiori, di circa il 60% dell'orario che, con varie sfumature è comune alle varie tipologie scolastiche, in modo da favorire i passaggi tra i vari percorsi formativi
- Area di indirizzo – in cui far confluire, nell’Istruzione Artistica, le discipline caratterizzanti questo ciclo di studi - discipline pittoriche, plastiche, geometriche, progettazione e quelle di arte applicata con le loro ricerche e verifiche. Più in particolare L’area di indirizzo prevede 7 ambiti, di cui uno si articola in 9 indirizzi che ricalcano, aggregandole, le specializzazioni presenti negli istituti d’arte e riproposte nel Progetto Michelangelo, anche tra gli indirizzi speciali:
- Pittura e decorazione pittorica
- Scultura e decorazione plastica
- Comunicazione visiva, audiovisiva e multimediale
- Rilievo e catalogazione dei Beni culturali
- Discipline dello spettacolo e interazione dei linguaggi espressivi
- Architettura, arredo e design dello spazio
- Design del prodotto (articolato in nove indirizzi):
Arti dell’illustrazione e the cartoon
- tissue
Arts - Arts of fashion and costume
Glass Arts - Arts, Technology, and restoration of ceramics
- Arts in photography and graphic design
- Art of the graphics and engraving
- Art of the printing and book restoration
- Arts of the metals, gold, precious stones, gems and coral
- Area integration - designed by the class councils and the faculty to meet the specific needs (in this case of arts education) and the purpose of pursuing initiatives to supplement the educational activities
Another innovative aspect of Project is the calculation of times disciplinary spaces on an annual basis rather than weekly, and the flexibility of the system to the presence of a share of the mutual variability between subjects, up to a maximum of 15% of the annual number of hours allocated to each subject, variability established in the design of the individual schools.
is expected from the project in any case a maximum weekly number of lessons for arts education has been established in 34 hours 22
. The roof, mind you, does not mean the presence of 34 modules times, because the temporal dimensions of the modules is left to the planning of individual institutions school.
To better understand the potential and relevance of this trial be assisted, even compared to the assumptions circulating in recent months, reports the plans hours to address two of the schools of art that have adopted the LAS and ISO of Reggio Calabria Urbino.

20 Attached is provided, for knowledge, the text which paved the hypothesis testing for the initial two year period.
21 For a proper comparison it should be noted as in other fields of study, the project has involved 22 schools in order Classico scientific and masterly, 75 schools of the Technical Board, 64 of the professional schools.
22 with mainstream education and scientific-master is set at 30 hours, brought to 33 hours for technical education, vocational education for 34 hours.

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L.A.S. REGGIO CALABRIA: Materie e quadro orario per Orientamento Plastico-Visivo

click on photo to enlarge

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ISA Urbino: Experimentation Autonomy

click on photo to enlarge

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6.2 A comparison of weight in the curriculum of artistic experiments assisted with their ordinary and addresses with those of other types of schools

Art in Education wanting to make a first serious comparison between the experimental systems curriculum address and those regulated directions you must first have a clear starting point: what are in fact regulated directions of the art schools and art institutes to which to refer? It would seem an idle question, but it is not. In other words, the art school you must report to the old four-year course? And for the Art Institutes is the starting point the three-year Master of Arts? Come on, at least one bit 'of decency, even for the sake of argument butchery that underlie the operations of this Government on the public schools. Writes the unknown writer of the explanatory memorandum to the draft regulation laying down rules concerning the reorganization of schools, pursuant to Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 133: ".. trials, whatever, involved an average increase of 5-6 hours of weekly hours of instruction in grammar school, science and language. No exception to art school, where the experiments assigned a five-year development amounting to a yearly time of 40 hours. " It is clear in this statement, the pain of the staunch defender of public expenditure, whatever the cost, even at the expense of intelligence. It is quite obvious that refer to the old system's four-year art school to say that assisted the experiments (the Ministry) Art in Education led to an increase in hours tout court (and spending) is to refer to a previous model dead and buried if not by history at least since the liberalization of access to university, civilized achievement of the late sixties. But to support his misguided statement, the document is forced to be silent on the curriculum that should be used as a reference for the Art Institutes, knowing the unsustainability of its argument, because the five-year courses regulated directions of this course are set to argue thirty-nine hours per week and hours of the explosion based on the three-year course is All indefensible, even in the eyes of an ignorant layman.
However, Art in Education, all assisted projects that have taken place after Leonardo (who, we repeat, has only to put order back in art school, with the excess over four years by adding additional year) have a time system fully in line with the previous situation, when they have provided, in made a slight contraction 23.

Why this continuity in the time dimension of the curriculum for the Art in Education assisted projects, which are certainly more body of the other addresses, like high school?
The answer is simple: the process of making art is long and complicated, is not a pure conceptual effort, how can anyone still think it is vice versa of course a process that requires creativity but at the same time stimulating multi-disciplinary, knowledge of complex languages, techniques, manual.
From this point of view, art institutes and art schools, have long since acquired a common identity, in anticipation fatti il “ Liceo delle Arti” uniformando i loro ambiti di ricerca con strette analogie di lavoro, sia sul piano metodologico che su quello dei contenuti.
Scrivevano in un bel documento del 2002 24 , che meriterebbe una rivisitazione, un cospicuo gruppo di Dirigenti Scolastici coordinati da un Ispettore Ministeriale 25 :

“Negli istituti si è mirato a ricondurre l’arte applicata nell’alveo dell’arte tout court, anche con la chiara volontà di contrapporsi a quel luogo comune che tende – ancora oggi - a classificare gerarchicamente l’attività creativa, relegando l’oggetto d’uso all’ultimo gradino della scala e persino a metterne in discussione la sua validità estetica.
Nel contempo, nei licei si è sviluppata un’ampia attività di laboratorio inteso non come il luogo dell’addestramento e della pura esecutività, ma come uno spazio fisico e mentale in cui nascono, si affinano, si verificano le idee, lo spazio della formazione operativa e critica, all’interno di un metodo di apprendimento attivo che ha rappresentato e continua a rappresentare il riferimento di pensiero cui ogni azione didattica quotidiana viene ricondotta.
…Si è affermato un nuovo modo di intendere e di praticare la manualità: modalità cognitiva in cui mano e cervello assumono pari dignità, che consente la ricomposizione del nesso teoria-prassi in positiva voltage and creative design.
Consequently, the project was designed way to intervene in reality, a personal way, critical, concise, expressive, inventive, innovative deal with the complexity, the project as a product, that is, as the terminal stage of a process of design that is realized through the use of planning tools and execution that is based on profound knowledge of materials and techniques. "

All this takes time, disciplines, spaces, equipment, materials that the school is called to guarantee, nor can one reasonably expect to delegate part of this process also the commitment of individual students in domestic dwellings. This is the underlying reason why in all curricula but also assisted the project, it must be recognized, in the laws put in place by the former Minister for Education Law Moratti, and even in the present case the government had recognized arts education curricular facilities overall size than those assigned to other training courses.
The point however is another: whether the curricula of existing assisted projects, particularly those related to autonomy, as they have been "interpreted" by the schools that have adopted them, are adequate to ensure the training mentioned above, the are also those that will be placed in be from 2010/2011?

23 The reason for this "benevolent" statement will be argued in the next paragraph.
25 Letterio Vitale, Provincial Coordinator, Antonella Barbarossa, Conservatory Vibo Valentia, Danilo Borghi , ISA Director Massa, Lionello Cammarota, Conservatory Rome, Benito Carletti, Headmaster ISA Sansepolcro (Arezzo), Bernardo Carli, Headmaster LAS Piacenza, Silvio Cattani, Executive ISA Rovereto (Trento), Pasquale Covelli, Headmaster ISA Corato (Bari), Mariagrazia Dardanelli, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Roma 2
Antonio De Ruosi, Dirigente I.S.A. Udine, Rolando Giovannini, Dirigente I.S.A. Faenza, Ilario Luperini, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Pisa, Giovan Battista Maderna, Dirigente L.A.S. Milano, Rolando Meconi, Dirigente scolastico L.A.S. "M. Mafai" Roma, Lino Miccichè, Presidente Scuola Nazionale del Cinema, Annibale Rebaudengo, Conservatorio Milano, Vittorio Servadei, Dirigente I.S.A. Forlì, Leonardo Taschera, Conservatorio Milano, Claudia Termini, Conservatorio Parma, Fausta Tocchio, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Imperia, Emore Valdessalici, Dirigente scolastico I.S.A. Parma, Andrea Volo, Docente Accademia Belle Arti di Frosinone, M. Concettina Zucchellini, Conservatory La Spezia.

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7. There is now a project for art education reform worthy of the name? 8.The

to this question one can not say no. The only good news, important, that the hypothesis of the Gelmini should be recognized is the choice that the new art school is that today's art schools Art Institutes, with all their addresses. After years of hesitation, uncertainty about the fate of these institutions, it seems that at least this issue has finally found a permanent solution.
Otherwise, the so-called reform is a photocopy Gelmini, a little 'faded, scissor kick, putting the reform in the field at the time by the Minister L. Moratti which had aroused many protests, so that the next Minister had decreed his suspension, pending its review. With the change of political majority in the reform, "Moratti was quickly resumed, worse: we must not fail to mention that in the transition-Gelmini Moratti plan weekly timetable for setting up art school goes from early 36/38 hours per week as specified in the Moratti reform, 34/35 to 26 hours
. This in unbelievable
because, as stated in the explanatory memorandum to the draft regulations (the result at least in the spirit of the duo Gelmini-Tremonti), pursuant to Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree-Law June 25, 2008, No 112, ratified by Law No 6 August 2008 133, the "Gelmini reforms" should aim to streamline the current school courses, but the opportunity was too good and has seen fit to seize the moment to cut back even further curricula of Legislative Decree 226/2005 (reform Moratti) whose jurisdictions, as has been forced to acknowledge in the same explanatory memorandum, in fact, have not been tested or, even less, entered into force. Now as you can rationalize the orders never been invoked or tested in the field is a mystery, or the young Gelmini want to say that "Moratti reform" fruit for another of the former government Berlusconi, was an obvious jumble of waste and inefficiency? Once again, the sorcerer's apprentice, in the rush to please the king, the king gave an idiot. However
cuts envisaged total of 27 curricula
are not the only limitations of this pseudo-reform: the dual purpose Gelmini has succeeded in eroding the curricula of "Moratti reform" and transfer of foot in "his" project many serious limitations of the legislative decree n.226 17 October 2005, already reported at the time from school.

26 Figures from the two / three years.

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limits Moratti Reform racked assuming "Gelmini"

8.1 The definition of high schools

The first issue to be highlighted in the analysis of the draft Presidential Decree which reads: draft regulation on the "revision of the regulated directions, organization and teaching high school in accordance with Article 64, paragraph 4, of Decree Law of 25 June 2008, n. 112, ratified by Law 6 August 2008, No 13 28
, regards the sixth paragraph of Article 2, which defines the system of high schools, high schools, which should include art, classical languages, music and dance, science and the humanities. The maintenance of the separation of art school by high school choral music and a replica of an old controversy in which the Ministry in recent years has not been able to give a convincing answer. In the document already mentioned earlier in section 6.2 emphasized the desirability of creating an area art per se, without artificial separations:
The opportunity to place within the musical direction of arts education is a good case in three substantive aspects of the problem lie in different fields:
- An account of a historical nature, he sees, in particular for the period that elapses from the beginning of 900 today, moments of close relationship between the "artists of visual arts" and the musicians.
- The increasingly constant product of "culture" and opportunities for the same production in which "the word" the "sound" and "image" are the ingredients of a communication and complex, sometimes of high artistic value. Applies for that purpose to remember how the film, television and Multimedia are proposed as occasions of encounter between different languages \u200b\u200bthat work in close collaboration, resulting in cultural operations that are placed as absolute ground-breaking innovations like what happened from the beginning of XVII secolo.
- La necessità di offrire, nello spirito della riforma, percorsi formativi che, oltre a detenere valori di eccellenza, si propongano come opportunità di alta flessibilità. A tale proposito la forte afferenza delle discipline musicali a quelle dello spettacolo, al cinema, alla televisione, alla produzione multimediale, alla promozione, valorizzazione e tutela dei beni culturali, impone la necessità che gli studi musicali possano orientarsi verso molteplici sbocchi, non individuati necessariamente in quelli tradizionalmente e limitatamente riservati all'attuale assetto delle Scuole di musica e dei Conservatori.

Ancora una volta queste ragionevoli considerazioni non hanno trovato un’attenzione appropriate in the reform.

8.2 The addresses of the new art school

The seventh paragraph of Article. 2 of the draft Presidential Decree defines the addresses provided in the new art school, recovering from the Legislative Decree No 226, 2005:

The location of the school of art consists, in the second period, the following addresses:
a) visual arts;
b) architecture, design, environment,
c) audiovisual , multimedia, scenography

once again missing, even in cases of this new art school, an address essential reference to the Cultural Heritage and conservation, which we believe address of fundamental importance for our country. In this regard, it was not invented from scratch an address: it was simply scroll through the projects assisted testing to see how everyone, without distinction, to introduce them to a path refers to this area. Do not be part of a reform project of this type an address confirmation impressive is the superficiality with which the experiments were treated assisted Artistic Education, and the foolishness of those who should be given significance and prospects of a manual educated, also based on techniques and ancient knowledge, the starting point for a journey training for operators of the protection, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, a way that certainly can not be exhausted in upper secondary education but this has its sap and basic skills.

is to be noted that, at least at one point, the serious limitations and shortcomings of the Legislative Decree 2005/226 of arts education in the definition of addresses were correct, albeit in a partial, if not unsatisfactory. The draft DPR
Article 6, first paragraph, the second address architecture, design, environment is now at least divided into two sections:
- Architecture and Environment Section
- Section Design
Questa divisione era assolutamente indispensabile per correggere gli schematismi insostenibili del decreto legislativo 2005/226, che rifletteva inadeguatezza di quell’impianto nell’accogliere tutti i comparti dell’Istruzione Artistica, in primis la realtà complessa degli Istituti d’Arte. Nella sostanza il semplicismo del decreto legislativo 2005/226 nella parte riferita al nuovo liceo artistico rifletteva la volontà, inespressa, del legislatore di abbandonare gli Istituti d’arte (o di una parte importante di essi) al loro destino.
Ma anche aver suddiviso l’indirizzo architettura, design, ambiente in due sezioni (Architettura e ambiente, Design) non è da ritenersi un passo still not enough because when it comes to design reference is actually a macro which, along with common methodologies in the design of objects for industrial production or craft, coexist with each other very different problems and solutions.
is quite clear that it is certainly desirable, where possible, to compact addresses that are similar but this must reflect a logical rationalization not to be confused with the storage operation of Annex B of the draft Presidential Decree that is expected to unify within a single section twenty-six sections between ordinary and projects supported, plus an unknown number of independent trials 29 . There were other possible solutions? We think so. It would therefore be preferable to divide the section of the Design in smaller areas, each homogeneous group such as goldsmith's art, art metal and jewelry, metal art, Art of coral, metal art and jewelry church furniture, Arts and restoration of the gold and precious metals, art and restoration of metals, art and restoration of coral, the more independent experiments belonging to the same strand. But
c'azzecca Art of lace and embroidery with the above? Would not it be more correct to put it in an area with homogeneous fashion and costume, art of weaving, fabric art, decoration and furnishing church, art and restoration of the fabric and the embroidery?

8.3 The second foreign language

analyzing the system of the new art school can not be relieved of some reflections on the introduction into the curriculum of a second foreign language. As should be known in the regulated directions of art institutes and art schools existed side of a foreign language deficiency unbearable. It must be noted that both the experimental projects that assisted the POF of individual schools had long bypassed this gap by introducing their own initiatives, in fact, the study of English, either as part curricular area want optional. Now this gap is finally filled in a systematic but the choice of "boundary", associated with the introduction of a compulsory second foreign language, which may offset the undoubted benefit, with damage "collateral" on the remaining parts of the curriculum. It can not be ignored that a better balance has manifested itself in the drafting of the curricula of high school and high school science. If the classical high school already had ruled out the legislative decree n.226/2005 the second foreign language, now the estimated time plan for the high school is geared in that direction (taking into account the need to reserve the study of Latin space time needed to learn the grammar of the language). Now, one of two things: either the Latin is a living language such as expendable in the Community or its maintenance has been dictated by the undoubted educational connotations of discipline. But if so, the same care and caution should also be dedicated towards the artistic disciplines traditionally in the address? Or you think that the latter pertains to cultural areas of lower rank to Latin? In fact, the introduction of a second foreign language, a positive step in the abstract, would be an inevitable compression of the fundamental disciplines and Address already struggling to find their timing decent and functional, to the disciplines of science and technology area that has been weakened, if not in fact inadequate, especially in the initial two year period. It is therefore impractical in its place a whole curriculum already mortified, for precise ministerial choice.

8.4 The presence of scientific disciplines in two years and the curriculum

The framers of the art school curriculum seem to have overlooked some "details" not quite insignificant, especially in the identification of subjects to be included in the first two years of course of study. First, it should be noted that the two-year preparatory obligation falls today and that school for some students it may also represent the end of the course. It is therefore essential that at this stage these are disciplines that develop and affinino skills essential to the growth and maturation of the individual. The scientific disciplines perform from this point of view an important role: think of their possible contribution in the education environment, with an adequate awareness about energy issues and the responsible consumption and sustainable, all matters of epic on which the citizenship rights can be exercised freely, provided that individuals possess adequate interpretations. But science concorrono anche alla formazione di una forma mentale che diventa essenziale nei passaggi metodologici tipici di queste scuole, quando dall’idea iniziale si passa al progetto e da questi al prodotto.
Tutto ciò sembra essere totalmente ignorato nella designazione e nella distribuzione delle discipline scientifiche che, quando presenti 30
, sono concentrate nella fase finale del ciclo quinquennale, “mimando” (e peggiorando) l’impostazione del vecchio ordinamento dell’istituto d’arte che si vorrebbe, a parole, superare. Per queste ragioni si chiede un loro spostamento nella fase iniziale del ciclo di studi, anche dare seguito concreto alle doglianze dell’attuale Ministro M. Gelmini that the hearing of June 10, 2008 at the VII Commission of the Chamber of Deputies said:
In international comparisons, our students are among the most unprepared of Europe. The OECD PISA surveys, which measure skills in mathematics and science, reading literacy and problem solving by fifteen, place Italy at the lowest levels of the league. Among 57 countries are at the thirty-third place in reading, the thirty-sixth in scientific culture, the thirty-eighth in mathematics. Worse than we in Europe are only Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania, and Lithuania and Slovenia better than us. Over the past six years we have slipped further down.

Ora ci si chiede: l’impostazione di questo biennio e più in generale nel nuovo Liceo Artistico va nella direzione sollecitata dal Ministro? La nostra risposta è no! In realtà la politica italiana dimostra nei confronti degli standard europei e internazionali uno strabismo intermittente: ci si riferisce ad essi quando si disquisisce di efficacia/efficienza del sistema scolastico ma questi riferimenti vengono rapidissimamente abbandonati quando si deve discutere di investimenti e di retribuzioni degli insegnanti. Ma perfino in un’operazione tutto sommato priva di sostanziali connotazioni economiche come la collocazione delle discipline risente di queste improvvise amnesie. È possibile porre rimedio?

8.5 The lack of technological skills in the new Art School

Another slip of cultural neo-cons that come in bursts in this reform is gathered by the cancellation in the curricula of any space for the technology, regulated directions in the address of the Institutes Art in the curriculum but also assisted as the Pitcher of the trials. The moment you go to the reunion of art schools and art institutes deleting a link between the discipline and the science of making art, an element of unification between two seemingly distant areas. We believe that this choice should be correct, identifying a framework for this adequate space at the end of the training.

8.6 The audio-visual disciplines

A careful reading of the specific learning objectives contained in the decree. 226/2005 relating to this discipline are considered improper in its place two years early. The arguments provided are in fact remarkably complex, difficult to confront in an initial course of studies: if so, whether it calls for the postponement to the following three years.

8.7 Why two-year periods and a final monoennio?

The new high schools incorporate curriculum development already present in the "Moratti reform" by providing an alternative to a most logical initial two year period followed by three years, a development based on two periods of two years and a final conclusion. As the evaluation at the end of the two-year periods, provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 226/2005 was abolished in the meantime what is the point to maintain the two-year periods, it is no longer possible to speak of two years of evaluation? This is not a way to take preparatory measures for the shortening of the cycle of secondary education to four years in which cherished the Minister a few months ago, after his inauguration? And I know the feeling has always shown towards continuity of teaching, this formal solution of continuity between the fourth and fifth year as an influence on the maintenance of classes? Although this issue deserves appropriate attention.
27 If you take as a reference to the curriculum of assisted Michelangelo project, is widespread in high schools than in the Art Institutes, for the period the reduction of hours is 15%.
28 now on draft DPR
29 We mention for completeness of information which should be the path of the previous regulations in force that should be reunited in the same section of design, leaving out all the projects independent experiments.
Art Institute - Sections regulated directions: Art furniture, art pottery, ceramic technology, Jewelry, Art metals and jewelry, fashion and costume, art, metal, coral Arts, Art Wood, Fabric Art, Art Glass, Art porcelain , metal art and jewelry church furnishings, fabric art, decoration and furnishing of the church, art of lace and embroidery. SPRIMENTALE MICHELANGELO PROJECT - Address: Industrial Design, Fashion and costume, art and restoration of ceramics, art and restoration of the gold and precious metals, art and restoration of metals, art and restoration of coral, and restoration of art works in wood. Arts and restoration of the fabric and embroidery, art and restoration of glass, art and book restoration. DRAFT EXPERIMENTAL LEONARDO study architecture and design
30 physics disappears from disciplines such as mandatory curriculum in the address of the Visual Arts. The discipline of chemistry and technology laboratory, in this regulated directions of Institutes of the Arts and in almost all projects assisted, is totally erased.

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9 And the appropriate number of hours weekly schedules provided for in the plan of the new art school?

The short answer to this question, given the considerations we have made, it is obviously negative. However, the issue is more complex and varied than it appears at first sight: The container may be inadequate or, conversely, dimensionally correct, depending on the choices made in the outline. The number of hours is certainly inadequate if forms-based time of sixty minutes in this case thirty-four / thirty-five hours are completely inadequate to reproduce in the new curriculum all those learning experiences that we consider essential for the training of students. Contrary if you opted for variations and at the same time there are fundamental changes in the criteria for the overall definition of the curriculum review feasibility could and should be changed. From a careful comparison between the existing legislation and the first paragraph of Article 3 (teaching activities) 31 of the draft Presidential Decree emphasizes that: A. Oltre ad un orario obbligatorio, che per il nuovo liceo artistico è pari a 34 ore per i primi due anni e 35 ore per i successivi, è prevista una quota oraria opzionale, attivabile su richiesta degli studenti e delle loro famiglie, che entrerà nel curricolo per una quota che non potrà superare il 20% dell’orario obbligatorio generale. B. Queste attività potranno tuttavia essere svolte utilizzando l’organico assegnato alle singole scuole: in pratica si faranno solo se nella scuola esisteranno docenti a disposizione (soprannumerari), magari divenuti tali perché espulsi dai loro insegnamenti di partenza, grazie a questa “riforma”. Di organico funzionale da assegnare alle singole istituzioni scolastiche in relation to the planned activities not even the shadow. In essence, the feasibility of this option is doomed to fade in a few years, because teachers in surplus, once retired, will not be replaced: the mirror of freedom of choice is to last five years or so, taking into account the average age of Italian teachers. This is, again, one of the great scams of the Great Barker and his entourage, who use the freedom of choice as a fig leaf to conceal the true nature of their operations aimed at disrupting the secondary school in crowning of the work already begun with the primary school. This point of "Moratti reform-Gelmini" is certainly the most insidious, since it tends to divide the potential users (students and parents) by the teachers, who will, for sure, accused of conservatism and defense of their petty interests of caste . It will therefore be vital to clarify the impracticality of a joke that can be conducted only for a limited period, when the real reforms on the school should have at least a breath decades. Moreover, it is a freedom "supervised" because the scope of possible options would be limited to subjects, as envisaged in the national curriculum or included in a rose once again established a priori on the central staircase. In the face of autonomy, decentralization, local knowledge and so on!

C. has failed in the "Moratti reform-Gelmini" each track refers to the area of \u200b\u200bintegration - that is to that designed by the Boards of hours of class and the teachers - already envisaged in the draft-assisted Self-anticipated, to meet specific needs (in this case of arts education) and the purpose of carrying out initiatives to supplement the educational activities. In a very improvident the area of \u200b\u200bintegration has been replaced, since the decree Legislative n.226/2005, from optional to mandatory, as indicated above, will be determined on the basis of pseudo-individual choices of students and their families.

D. There were other channels to provide users the opportunity to contribute to the definition of integrated curriculum that was not a harbinger of anarchy in its organization but also explain that in a genuine, viable, sustainable choice? We think so. There are now nearly forty years to ensure the tools in this area as a share of choices: they are the bodies. It is not to say that expertise in educational programming specifically belong to the teaching component of the Class Council and the Graduate School now because if this is true it is also equally true that the powers prescribed by law and may be changed by law. This would also be a way to revitalize the bodies, but whose contribution to the component of students and parents, quite frankly over the years has become increasingly marginal and ritual.

E. The time required for the curriculum provided in the draft DPR for individual disciplines will be "filed" within the POF for a maximum share of 30%.

F. School autonomy is expressed freely even by overcoming constraints on the number of lessons, subject to the requirements of service of teachers overall.

said this time it is considered that a plan of the new school of art should include:

- A compulsory hours, defined on a national scale, dimensionally stable on the order of 34/35 hours per week, as foreseen by the draft DPR

- This mandatory curriculum on a national scale, however, should be recalibrated with a more rational distribution of disciplines, taking into account the comments contained in paragraph 8 and those that may arise during the comparison. In this respect it presents a case in Annex No. 1 curriculum of the new school of art that could be applied to all addresses

- In addition to this mandatory curriculum on a national scale is proposed area of \u200b\u200bintegration, useful in the task of the law, planned and defined by individual educational institutions, check the local authorities and heard the opinions of student and parents, represent no more than 20% of the total hours set out on a national scale, without prejudice to the scheduled time for each discipline defined on a national scale can not be reduced by more than 30%.

- For the reasons stated above, the G-spot, not credible is a proposal to increase over the current time that is the area of \u200b\u200bintegration should therefore find its place within 34/35 hours through the widespread introduction for teaching purposes, of modules lasting 50 minutes. This, in our opinion, is the only feasible way to ensure both the protection of employees and improving the quality of training, claiming a new world of instruction, as illustrated in section 3.

Merely as an example in Annex No. 2 shows a possible plan based on forty hours weekly 50-minute modules, distributed the entire five-year period covering the Design section, which includes both the required number of hours that the area of \u200b\u200bintegration.

31 The annual teaching time in high school courses, including the proportion allocated to regions, autonomous schools and the teaching of the Catholic religion in accordance with the Agreement makes changes to the Lateran Concordat and its Additional Protocol implemented by law March 25, 1985, No 121, and the following agreements, comprises compulsory courses and activities for all students and teaching activated within the quota of staff assigned to schools, taking into account the requests of students and their families. For high school courses, the hourly fee paid to individual schools, as determined within the quota of staff assigned to them and taking into account the requests of students and their families, may not exceed 20% of the total number of hours a year, unless understood that the time required by the curriculum of each discipline can not be reduced by more than 30%.