These brief remarks are intended as a small contribution to the process that began with the Conference held recently in Venice, at the Art Institute 2 . At that time, were brought to light all the limits and the "duplicity" of the recent initiatives undertaken by the Government of arts education within a more comprehensive picture of weakening the public school, with a view to essentialization of training, guided by pure logic of cuts to services that a modern democratic state and vice versa should be able to ensure 3 . This
not only because the public school is called, as in footnote 3, to give everyone the tools you need for a full and conscious citizenship but also because only through a training system will be possible for the modern country overcome those challenges that globalization actually imposes on us. Art education, on this side can make an important contribution, both in terms of protection, preservation and enhancement of our artistic heritage, real value added of the country, both as a breeding ground for the development of the "culture of beauty" that underlying the phenomenon of "Made in Italy" that everyone, in words, say they want to support.
This, mind you, can not tradursi in un semplice arroccamento dell’esistente: curricoli e programmi, specie negli indirizzi ordinamentali risalgono a tempi ormai lontani, con strutture del ciclo di studi, come negli Istituti d’Arte, basati su un triennio iniziale e un biennio finale indifendibili e che devono essere superati, anche alla luce del prolungamento dell’obbligo scolastico che impone scelte diverse. In altre parole, la “provocazione” messa in campo dall’attuale Governo può essere, sempre che ne abbiamo la forza e l’intelligenza necessarie, un momento per un’autentica modernizzazione e miglioramento dell’intero settore.
Dobbiamo in tempi rapidi saper individuare una proposta di riforma seria dell’Istruzione Art to be not only the government but also to political parties, trade unions, the world of culture and entrepreneurship, reform options that combines the curricula not only appropriate but which also addresses the efficiency and effectiveness of the nodes system, without leaving too many of these issues to the demagoguery of the moment Brunetta.
Above all, we must avoid, we believe, to give an image of a corporation that moves "pro domo her" the only way we can share our protest and our proposals not only the current user but, more generally, with a wider public, something that will more than other troubled "the Great Timoniere”.
In altre parole, solo essendo credibili a tutto campo, riusciremo a creare le condizioni per un “diritto all’ascolto”, che può essere premessa per una resipiscenza, sia pure tardiva, di chi oggi regge le sorti del nostro Paese.
Ciò premesso, le considerazioni che seguono hanno come punto di partenza gli Istituti d’Arte, l’ambito di lavoro di chi scrive queste note. È del tutto evidente che si tratta di un ambito parziale, che andrà necessariamente raccordato, nel corso del dibattito, con l’altro settore, quello dei Licei Artistici che insieme dovrebbero andare a concorrere alla formazione del nuovo “Liceo d’Arte” o (come sembrerebbe more appropriate to inscribe) the new "School of the Arts." In any case, it seemed appropriate from this area to embark on a path as possible unit that knows in quick times single out a proposal for reform, open both to those who work daily in the world of arts education but also, hopefully , a successful external contributions.
This one is not and will not usually be claimed to be the Word document. It is rather a sketch, the initiation of a work in progress, which hopefully can be built, modified, enhanced by the contributions of many. For this reason, each chapter has a number and, where appropriate, divided into numbered paragraphs, to facilitate the process of review and integration.
2 ISA Venice, 11/12/2008, conference organized by the CESP, the documents are currently available in:
3 Article 3 of the Charter Costuzionale: "It is the responsibility of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political , economic and social development of the country. "