Friday, February 11, 2011

Perrier For An Upset Stomach

Il Pool e' pronto al derby. Domani a Sestri in gioco due punti fondamentali per la salvezza.

Terzo derby ligure in questo campionato per il Pool Loano, i ragazzi cari al Presidente Stefano Dellacasa nella sera di domani  faranno visita al Neve Sestri Levante di patron Conti.
I bianconeri sono reduci dalla sconfitta esterna contro Savigliano ma globalmente vivono un buon periodo visto il bilancio positivo (3v-1p) in questo inizio di girone di ritorno. In settimana la preparazione è proseguita regolarmente, da registrare è il pieno recupero della guardia Paolo Bussone dopo la scavigliata rimediata nella scorsa gara ed il graduale miglioramento di forma di Marcello Mangione, now close to full recovery after injury to the ligaments of the knee.
After returning briefly on the mistakes made in Savigliano coaching staff has focused all the attention and concentration to the match on Saturday, a race that could make the final step toward salvation to young loanesi.
The presentation of the race through the words of coach Massimo Costagliola:
"Sestri Levante is a team built for sailing in very different areas of the standings. The injury, a good dose of bad luck and some initial problems in the assembly have limited the potential of avversari.Gli our last major successes against Torino Crocetta Mortara and the walls between friends there But they relaunched their race to one of the playoffs, the stated objective by the company earlier this year. For them it will probably be the last chance to grab the first train of eight and then we can expect a team very aggressive, eager to redeem the defeat of the progress, driven by a very hot climate.
For us, after the good results of the last races, will be a further test to measure our level of growth and character technique. The children were aware of the importance of the stakes, winning would take a major step forward towards achieving Objective salvation. "
Kapedani, Michelis (ex duty) and Bovone will be called to deal with the extraordinary quartet of long Levantine Cantelli, Ferrari, Piazza Pajer and a mix of experience, quality and fisicità.L ' attention must also be set on guard Varese Spertini, bomber of minors, and Livorno Andrea Armitage, last January in addition to a very important market function by President James Conti.
first leg 77-61 in favor of the purposes for loanesi , but only gained a significant advantage in the final after a race spent in constant balance.
ball to two at 21 presso il Palazzetto di Viale Lombardia, arbitreranno la gara i sig.ri Treccani e Venuti di Milano.


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