Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What To Write In The Note For Wedding Hotel Bag

philosophical counseling in Spain and South America

In Spagna [1] la Philosophische Praxis ha trovato un primo riscontro tra i membri del gruppo di ricerca ETOR [2] . Questo gruppo ha coniato il termine orientaciòn filosófica intendendo l’operare del consulente più nel senso di un’attività orientatrice, che non nel senso letterale di una “pratica consulenziale” e quindi “apportatrice di consigli”[ consejerìa ]. Il consulente diventa quindi un orientatore [3] e il suo ruolo è equiparabile a quello di un faro o di una bussola: fare luce e segnalare dove sta il nord e il sud.

Il consultante, grazie a queste indicazioni , può decidere sul da farsi, quale strada intraprendere e che tipo di risposta implement on its problems. In addition to naming guidelines us ón philosophical, talking about using asesoramiento or philosophical Consejería . Both terms can be translated with the Italian "advice" and, in fact, are used to indicate a benefit pr ofessional by an expert on information and advice on a particular topic (tax, employment, legal , etc.). orientación The term, however, is used The or often in education, so much so that in most schools This figure named Orientador . A leading figure for the theoretical framework in the context of English is to Jose Barrientos Rastrojo , currently professor and director of the first Masters in Pra policy philosophy (University of Seville) was the coordinator of the Forum Internacional orientación de Filosofía y Filosofía Practice (FIACOF) and organizer, together with Ran Lahav, an international collection of contemplative philosophy held in the summer of 2005, it also reminds to have been the author of the first guide to philosophical counseling English [4] .

To Barrientos, philosophical counseling can be understood in two ways: as a profession for help working through the analysis of the contents of conscious thought, or as a real discipline that "works on the basis of understanding philosophical " [5] .

Regarding the South America, it should be noted that, even before the philosophical counseling, has been imported and developed successfully l’esperienza francese dei caffè filosofici ; il primo in assolut o è stato quello del Buho Rojo in Perú , attivo a partire dall’aprile del 1998. Tuttavia, l’idea di Sautet ha trovato il consenso più vasto in un altro paese del Sudamerica: in Argentina . Qui, infatti, è presente il caffè filosofico con l’affluenza più elevata al mondo: situato a Belgrano , dal suo avvio, ha visto la partecipazione di ben 20.000 persone, con una media di circa 3 50 ogni fine settimana. Organizzatrice del caffè filosofico, dal 2003, è Roxana Kreimer, a graduate in philosophy with a doctorate in social sciences at the University of Buenos Aires. Roxana Kreimer always, was the first to deal with philosophical counseling and to open a private practice in Argentina in 1999. In his of Artes buen vivir [6] , Kreimer, speaks in terms of philosophy of art of living which is expressed in in all its fullness everyday life and in proximity to concrete problems such as those relating to employment, to the vicissitudes of love, pain and death. Particularly interesting also its critical reflection on the price of progress and, specifically, on the car as a real tool in the hands of modern mythology. How to write Kreimer, "Beyond its value in use, the car reveals a similar symbolic value to 'set of meanings that the horse was in the feudal world. In the context of a narcissistic culture, the car embodies a metaphor that converts the personal self in the principal value of life [...] " [7] .

[1] The following information relating to the philosophical counseling in Spain have been drawn from: Correspondence Jose Barrientos Rastrojo staff and from the site of the same, that is available on the Internet at www.josebarrientos.net

[2] ETOR-Educación, orientación y Tratamiento racional

[3] In Spain, this term is closely related to education.

[4] JR Barrientos, Introducción the asesoramiento y la orientación philosophical Ediciones Idea, Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2005

[5] See JR Barrientos, Violencia de género y orientación philosophical, in Violencia , Padilla Libros, Sevilla, 2005, pp. 175-193.

[6] R. Kreimer, the Artes buen vivir, Anarres, 2002. In 2005 the book was reissued by the publisher Paidos (in Argentina and Latin America) and with the publishing house IDEA, Spain, under the title Philosophy para la vida the Mayan

[7] R. Kreimer, El precio del progreso, visionabile in castigliano alla pagina web http://us.geocities.com/filosofialiteratura/ElPrecioDelProgreso.htm

Da "La Consulenza filosofica: storia e modelli", Maria Devigili, Trento, 2007


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