Sunday, August 3, 2008

Loss Of Mother Sympathy Message

Ran Lahav: the goal of philosophical practice

In questo video, Ran Lahav , interessante teorico della pratica e della consulenza filosofica parla della sua conception of philosophical practice during the first national conference of the philosophical practice of Peru, held at the National University of San Marcos in Lima in February 2007.

Below the Italian translation. Some premises. Lahav when talking about "first vision" second window etc refers to the different conceptions of philosophical counseling. The first view is the conception of philosophical counseling as a work of clarification and language that is generally used within the nursing profession. The second vision, as stated by the Lahav, sees the philosophical counseling as a self-understanding. The third as a way of life. In some cases, however, I've added notes. The audio of the video, perhaps, is not great but at least the words of Lahav are great!

Thus, it has been to develop a new current of philosophical practice in which I was very active, but I'm sure that was not the only one. This stream was based on the idea that philosophy can not solve problems, in contrast, are the problems that can lead to life. It does not solve difficult situations, if anything, at times, difficult situations poses. According to the second view, the practice of philosophy, one should develop our self-understanding, be more aware of the key issues that we face in life. The point is that in everyday life we \u200b\u200bare all the time asking fundamental philosophical questions, not only in our thinking but also in our choices, our emotions, our hopes and desires.

Let me give a simple example: imagine that my best friend is dating a new girl, who has a new girlfriend, and spend three weeks before telling me that he has a new girlfriend and when I know I feel very offended. My best friend did not tell me anything about his new girlfriend? You could say that this is an emotion, right? I feel offended. But my feeling, my emotions, I really say something about what is friendship. My feeling says friendship means sharing personal information. So, although in theory and in thought, I never asked the question about what friendship is, in fact my emotion expressed a certain conception of friendship.

Our emotions, our behavior, our choices ... all the time, interpret the world are responding to deep philosophical questions, although we are not conscious.

last semester in Israel, my stidente an exercise in philosophical counseling, told me that the greatest moment of his life, which always thinks and always want that to happen Again, when it was in a football game, and won the Israeli national was ecstatic for him.

Now, if we go a bit 'deeper: the fact that this experience was for him
so beautiful, so much so that continues to think and hope that it is a real repeat his declaration of what is important in life. It 'a declaration of what is ecstasy: get out of their private and daily occupations. It 's very very precious, is what matters in life. It 'an answer to the question "What is important in life?", "What qualities are important to them?". It 'clear that what is not that simple.

must talk with the person and see what exactly is going on but now I'm doing very short examples so that when we go home after this conference and maybe do one thing or another, like standing in front of the television and see a movie or pick up the phone and call the girl or the boy or his wife or decide: Why not go to the beach tomorrow to relax, to have a day of relaxation?

So then, in agreement with this view, at this time we are asking fundamental philosophical questions. We are constantly making statements about what is important in life, what is friendship, what love is, what it means to be free, what is ethical and what is not ethical, not in theory but in thought and behavior that many times we are not aware.

Allegory of the Cave Plato is a wonderful allegory. We all live in a cave in a cave in part personal, part of a culture. These are limitations, certain patterns of thought, feeling, preferences.

According to Plato the aim of philosophy is not to make life more comfortable in the cave, as required by the first vision of philosophical counseling (Ran Lahav, here refers to the conception of philosophical practice nursing as a profession and therefore attributable to the treatment paradigm, ed.)
sigur that I have studied all this allegory. The goal of philosophy is not fix these shadows and make them more comfortable for our lives, not to solve problems in the cave but neither is the second window (of philosophical counseling) that is: to understand my cave.
In the second vision of how carefully I place my cave, statements, conceptions of behavior.

The aim of philosophy, and this is the third view (the practice of philosophy, ed), you get out of the cave, have a greater life of this cave. Transcend what they are, go far beyond what they are.

This is an incredible view, is not it? It may not be practical, it is so high but I think this is the goal that the practice should be philosophical.

I believe that the practice of philosophy, according to this third view, seeks to rise, to bring a little 'out of the cave, you can liddove. This is what is called wisdom or some people even use the word "Building". This is what I'm investigating now, this is what is important to me now. The terza visione include la seconda visione.

Devo capire la mia caverna per poter uscire da essa. Però (la terza visione, ndr.) va oltre la caverna e consiste nell' accorgersi di una cosa: che l'obiettivo è vivere una vita più grande. Se il mio obiettivo è uscire dai miei limiti, dalla mia caverna, allora la Pratica filosofica non è una professione, non è qualcosa in cambio di cui ricevo del denaro. E' un modo di vita, un modo di essere.


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