Mirror Man - The Legacy of Captain Beefheart
A big inspiration was the Captain Beefheart's Magic Band, which I saw at the Royal Albert Hall in the early seventies. I was blown away. Before I never dreamed that the instruments could be played that way.
(Steve Severin, Siouxsie and the Banshees)
Woodland Hills, California. 1969. Four decades of children living for nine months with a charismatic and unsettling character of almost ten years older than them. Forces them to endless sessions of collective self-analysis, prompting them to question their identity, to obtain the psychological breakdown and complete submission to his authority. If necessary, deprives them of food and sleep. It also makes them play, incessantemente. Si tratta di una musica strana, shockante, che mischia rock'n'roll, blues, free jazz e avanguardia. Quell'uomo è Don Van Vliet , in arte Captain Beefheart , e il gruppo è la sua Magic Band , ai tempi composta dal batterista Drumbo (John French), dal bassista Rockette Morton (Mark Boston), e dai chitarristi Antennae Jimmy Semens (Jeff Cotton) e Zoot Horn Rollo (Bill Harkleroad). Dopo ...
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Video - Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - She's Too Much For My Mirror - My Human Gets Me Blues
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