La Consulenza filosofica è approdata in Israele nel 1989 con la fondazione del Center Sophon , diretto da Shlomit Schuster that, after meeting Ad Hoogendijk in the Netherlands, decided to undertake the consultancy activities in his country. Sophon
The center, among other activities, also offers a free telephone service first-aid to existential problems and ethical dilemmas. In addition to Schuster, also Avshalom Adam, Lydia Amir, now Gruengard, Louis N. Sandowsky, Adva Shaviv, Israel and others have opened Shorek studies of philosophical counseling in Israel.
The conception of philosophical counseling Shlomit Schuster can be identified as " achenbachiana " Moreover, the very fact that Israel loves to call the consultant sua attività come Pratica filosofica [Philosophy practice] sta a indicare la sua intenzione di porsi in un rapporto di fedele continuità rispetto alla tedesca Philosophische Praxis .
Essa stessa comunque non rinuncia in assoluto ad utilizzare il più circoscritto termine “ counseling ”, in quanto, come ricorda, “ha la sua origine etimologica nel significato letterale, neutro, di ‘dare consigli’”.
Schuster riprende da Achenbach, ampliandola, anche la critica ai trattamenti psicologici e psicoterapeutici, soprattutto in riferimento alla loro potente influenza sulla società e sulle modalità d’intendere il concetto di malattia nei singoli individui.
She herself relates how, in some cases his advice, had to start from a preliminary work of " depsicoanalisi " and " dediagnosi ": it may happen that certain consultants think themselves exclusively under fixed medical-diagnostic categories (for example, may believe that they suffer from certain "complex", to be suffering from "performance anxiety" rather than manic-depressive). The work carried out by Schuster dediagnosi is nothing but a work of critical scaling of what the consultant considers as its psychological reality.
And so, for example, strip the myth of Oedipus by his Freudian interpretation to show that, in the end is, that is "simply a myth," can lead to a beneficial "liberating effect" on those who have always interpreted to his relationship with his father according to the psychoanalytic view.
Another very prominent figure at international level between the Israeli advisers is surely that of Ran Lahav, whose consulting business began in 1992.
One of the major factors that characterize Lahav, as well-known scholar of philosophical practices Miccione David, are the 'balance and coherence of thought.
addition, Lahav is the fact that a degree in psychology and philosophy makes its critical reflection on the comparison between philosophical approach to counseling and psychological approach is particularly thorough and worthy of consideration. For
Lahav, one of the central elements of philosophical counseling is the principle of 'interpretation of the vision of the world the consultant: that view is to be understood as something that is in the mind of the person or which directly influences the actual events. It rather is an abstract schema that interprets the structure and the philosophical implications of the concept that an individual has of himself and of reality. " According
Lahav, all people "constantly interpret their world, not simply through the beliefs and thoughts, but through their 'whole way of being', through their express' a certain understanding of the nature of the self, of what is important, moral, beautiful, of what are love, friendship, courage, and so on. " In his later writings and articles, Lahav stresses the need to make a critical reassessment of the practice of philosophical counseling . If, in fact, the advice is to be philosophical not only in name but also actually be able to waive any accommodative role: instead of "adapt to market demand," that is to provide answers and ad hoc solutions to the problems of the people, should do almost the exact opposite. Or "raise the intellectual and existential dissatisfaction [...]. Evoke fear and confusion [...] encourage an approach to the infinite complexity and richness of life. " According to Lahav, philosophy should serve as a critical conscience of society, and certainly not from "yet another cog in the social, for that matter, if so, the philosophical, as a" supplier of goods, would not be very unlike the therapist or from any "entertainer that aims to satisfy the desire for fun, or as the drug dealer who sells pills 'anxiolytic' to make people feel better, or the plastic surgeon who changes the noses of people to meet a certain narcissism, or the furniture that sells pieces of furniture to meet the needs of comfort. " For the turn of the Lahav
philosophical counseling might be in the direction of a Platonic conception, namely towards a contemplative philosophy ":" the practice of philosophy, the philosopher, is connected to our whole being. It awakens in us the desire to go further, towards a deeper level of our everyday things. Towards some kind of transformation that will open to a larger world outside the cave or, if you prefer, in the light. " Another Israeli
consultant, well known internationally, is now Gruengard . For
Gruengard philosophical counseling fulfilled its role when it presents itself as critical philosophy. The consultant is therefore to be understood as a philosopher, critic and anti-dogmatic able "to leave room for doubt, or even all'inspiegabile, all'indeterminato, all'impredicabile. But this is possible only by discarding the pretense of knowledge and the dose of certainty guaranteed by the exact knowledge to make way for the acceptance of their fallibility. In questo senso, il consulente filosofico eredita da Socrate non solo la coscienza di non sapere ma anche l’accettazione di questo non sapere. Come la stessa Gruengard ha ricordato nel suo intervento alla Sesta Conferenza Internazionale sulle Pratiche Filosofiche tenutasi ad Oslo nel luglio 2001: “Socrate era un ignorante come tanti altri, ma l’unico che pensasse di essere tale. Noi dovremmo prendere seriamente il suo coraggio di tollerare l’ignoranza. Non che egli non sperasse di imbattersi in qualche solida verità, ma impiegò piuttosto la sua vita in una lotta critica contro false credenze ed ingiustificati diritti nei confronti del sapere. Ciò dovrebbe illuminare ogni counseling filosofico che si riconosce come effettivamente critical. Thus, the same philosophical counselor 'critical' should perhaps adopt a more appropriate term, and certainly more modest, to show himself and his activities. " In short, if you were to find a motto for the philosophical critic, this motto would be: "is not necessarily so", that does not mean that A is always different from B or that what is believed to be the truth, it is in all respects.
From "philosophical counseling: history and patterns," Maria Devigili, Trento, 2007
The center, among other activities, also offers a free telephone service first-aid to existential problems and ethical dilemmas. In addition to Schuster, also Avshalom Adam, Lydia Amir, now Gruengard, Louis N. Sandowsky, Adva Shaviv, Israel and others have opened Shorek studies of philosophical counseling in Israel.
The conception of philosophical counseling Shlomit Schuster can be identified as " achenbachiana " Moreover, the very fact that Israel loves to call the consultant sua attività come Pratica filosofica [Philosophy practice] sta a indicare la sua intenzione di porsi in un rapporto di fedele continuità rispetto alla tedesca Philosophische Praxis .
Essa stessa comunque non rinuncia in assoluto ad utilizzare il più circoscritto termine “ counseling ”, in quanto, come ricorda, “ha la sua origine etimologica nel significato letterale, neutro, di ‘dare consigli’”.
Schuster riprende da Achenbach, ampliandola, anche la critica ai trattamenti psicologici e psicoterapeutici, soprattutto in riferimento alla loro potente influenza sulla società e sulle modalità d’intendere il concetto di malattia nei singoli individui.
She herself relates how, in some cases his advice, had to start from a preliminary work of " depsicoanalisi " and " dediagnosi ": it may happen that certain consultants think themselves exclusively under fixed medical-diagnostic categories (for example, may believe that they suffer from certain "complex", to be suffering from "performance anxiety" rather than manic-depressive). The work carried out by Schuster dediagnosi is nothing but a work of critical scaling of what the consultant considers as its psychological reality.
And so, for example, strip the myth of Oedipus by his Freudian interpretation to show that, in the end is, that is "simply a myth," can lead to a beneficial "liberating effect" on those who have always interpreted to his relationship with his father according to the psychoanalytic view.

One of the major factors that characterize Lahav, as well-known scholar of philosophical practices Miccione David, are the 'balance and coherence of thought.
addition, Lahav is the fact that a degree in psychology and philosophy makes its critical reflection on the comparison between philosophical approach to counseling and psychological approach is particularly thorough and worthy of consideration. For
Lahav, one of the central elements of philosophical counseling is the principle of 'interpretation of the vision of the world the consultant: that view is to be understood as something that is in the mind of the person or which directly influences the actual events. It rather is an abstract schema that interprets the structure and the philosophical implications of the concept that an individual has of himself and of reality. " According
Lahav, all people "constantly interpret their world, not simply through the beliefs and thoughts, but through their 'whole way of being', through their express' a certain understanding of the nature of the self, of what is important, moral, beautiful, of what are love, friendship, courage, and so on. " In his later writings and articles, Lahav stresses the need to make a critical reassessment of the practice of philosophical counseling . If, in fact, the advice is to be philosophical not only in name but also actually be able to waive any accommodative role: instead of "adapt to market demand," that is to provide answers and ad hoc solutions to the problems of the people, should do almost the exact opposite. Or "raise the intellectual and existential dissatisfaction [...]. Evoke fear and confusion [...] encourage an approach to the infinite complexity and richness of life. " According to Lahav, philosophy should serve as a critical conscience of society, and certainly not from "yet another cog in the social, for that matter, if so, the philosophical, as a" supplier of goods, would not be very unlike the therapist or from any "entertainer that aims to satisfy the desire for fun, or as the drug dealer who sells pills 'anxiolytic' to make people feel better, or the plastic surgeon who changes the noses of people to meet a certain narcissism, or the furniture that sells pieces of furniture to meet the needs of comfort. " For the turn of the Lahav
philosophical counseling might be in the direction of a Platonic conception, namely towards a contemplative philosophy ":" the practice of philosophy, the philosopher, is connected to our whole being. It awakens in us the desire to go further, towards a deeper level of our everyday things. Towards some kind of transformation that will open to a larger world outside the cave or, if you prefer, in the light. " Another Israeli
consultant, well known internationally, is now Gruengard . For
Gruengard philosophical counseling fulfilled its role when it presents itself as critical philosophy. The consultant is therefore to be understood as a philosopher, critic and anti-dogmatic able "to leave room for doubt, or even all'inspiegabile, all'indeterminato, all'impredicabile. But this is possible only by discarding the pretense of knowledge and the dose of certainty guaranteed by the exact knowledge to make way for the acceptance of their fallibility. In questo senso, il consulente filosofico eredita da Socrate non solo la coscienza di non sapere ma anche l’accettazione di questo non sapere. Come la stessa Gruengard ha ricordato nel suo intervento alla Sesta Conferenza Internazionale sulle Pratiche Filosofiche tenutasi ad Oslo nel luglio 2001: “Socrate era un ignorante come tanti altri, ma l’unico che pensasse di essere tale. Noi dovremmo prendere seriamente il suo coraggio di tollerare l’ignoranza. Non che egli non sperasse di imbattersi in qualche solida verità, ma impiegò piuttosto la sua vita in una lotta critica contro false credenze ed ingiustificati diritti nei confronti del sapere. Ciò dovrebbe illuminare ogni counseling filosofico che si riconosce come effettivamente critical. Thus, the same philosophical counselor 'critical' should perhaps adopt a more appropriate term, and certainly more modest, to show himself and his activities. " In short, if you were to find a motto for the philosophical critic, this motto would be: "is not necessarily so", that does not mean that A is always different from B or that what is believed to be the truth, it is in all respects.
From "philosophical counseling: history and patterns," Maria Devigili, Trento, 2007