The first European country that imports the Philosophische Praxis is the Netherlands.
Already in the late seventies, a group of students from the University of Amsterdam Central Interfaculty complained that there was a distance of academic philosophy in the personal philosophy.
la philosophie Praxis found favorable conditions and then in 1984 some of those students graduated in the meantime, they organized a Working Group of Amsterdam for the philosophical practice.
One of the first issues addressed was the possible influences on the personal vision of the consultant were able to practice and theory, even unknowingly, on the client. Through the video recording of some experimental sessions you could then look like the philosopher consultant, often without even realizing it, tends to guide the discussion according to their conceptions.
What emerged from those observations to date reveals very interesting from the standpoint of philosophical counseling training: it is extremely important that the future philosophical counselor may be placed in a position to integrate their knowledge with a true philosophical circulation of the report, which at the level of specific training would amount to an internship.
the above mentioned working group subsequently founded the Association of Dutch practice of philosophy (VFP), which publishes a magazine dedicated to the philosophy and practice of Socratic dialogue organizes courses. Also in the Netherlands is the Pratocenter, an academic institution that carries out teaching and research in the field of Philosophy of Business.
In Holland, the first to open a consulting firm was philosophical Ad Hoogendijk. The Schuster describes his method: "He asks questions, not merely to clarify what is the problem of a person, but also makes clear the philosophical vision of the world that is, as it were, the cultural background of the problem. " But
Hoogendijk, which since 1990 works as a consultant for businesses and organizations, is often remembered for his contributions in the Philosophy of Management and in particular the Business Ethic.
Immediately after the opening of the first study of philosophical counseling in Holland, began to develop an interest in the new practice on the part of philosophers and scholars, some of which in turn opened the private practice. One of these scholars was Eite Veening. For the philosophical
Veening should only deal with people who have the "mysteries of conception, while in case of emotional problems, he recommend psychological help. In the conceptual puzzles also includes ethical and existential questions in the form of key decisions for life. Veening, in his practice, often uses metalogue (articulated and developed by the anthropologist and psychologist Gregory Bateson) as a tool able to "think about thinking."

One of the first issues addressed was the possible influences on the personal vision of the consultant were able to practice and theory, even unknowingly, on the client. Through the video recording of some experimental sessions you could then look like the philosopher consultant, often without even realizing it, tends to guide the discussion according to their conceptions.
What emerged from those observations to date reveals very interesting from the standpoint of philosophical counseling training: it is extremely important that the future philosophical counselor may be placed in a position to integrate their knowledge with a true philosophical circulation of the report, which at the level of specific training would amount to an internship.
the above mentioned working group subsequently founded the Association of Dutch practice of philosophy (VFP), which publishes a magazine dedicated to the philosophy and practice of Socratic dialogue organizes courses. Also in the Netherlands is the Pratocenter, an academic institution that carries out teaching and research in the field of Philosophy of Business.
In Holland, the first to open a consulting firm was philosophical Ad Hoogendijk. The Schuster describes his method: "He asks questions, not merely to clarify what is the problem of a person, but also makes clear the philosophical vision of the world that is, as it were, the cultural background of the problem. " But
Hoogendijk, which since 1990 works as a consultant for businesses and organizations, is often remembered for his contributions in the Philosophy of Management and in particular the Business Ethic.
Immediately after the opening of the first study of philosophical counseling in Holland, began to develop an interest in the new practice on the part of philosophers and scholars, some of which in turn opened the private practice. One of these scholars was Eite Veening. For the philosophical
Veening should only deal with people who have the "mysteries of conception, while in case of emotional problems, he recommend psychological help. In the conceptual puzzles also includes ethical and existential questions in the form of key decisions for life. Veening, in his practice, often uses metalogue (articulated and developed by the anthropologist and psychologist Gregory Bateson) as a tool able to "think about thinking."
The situation in which the feature can be particularly effective metalogue is typical of schizophrenic communication, the "double-bind" [double bind]. The double bond can be represented as a situation in which the communication of an individ against the other presents a contradiction between the level of explicit discourse (what is said) and another layer metacommunicative (gestures, attitudes, tone of voice). This inconsistency causes an internal conflict and confusion in the recipient of the message, which does not know what level to accept as valid, for one preclude the other. The metalogue is intended as a discussion on a subject particularly problematic where, in addition to the different positions of the participants, must be explained the structure of the conversation that is taking place.

Lindseth critical psychotherapies in general and all forms of knowledge as a dogmatic claim to know that it is at their base precludes any possibility of "benevolent understanding" of the other. For several years, in Norway, the Norwegian Association for Philosophical Practice organizes training courses lasting two to philosophical counseling.
(from "philosophical counseling: history and patterns," Maria Devigili, Trento 2007)